30 Rewrite

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Another week passed and Narcolepse found Phoenix in the cafeteria again. She was gulping down a glass of milk, looking so pale and tired. He wondered what could be plaguing her mind. What was making her so sick? Because physically, they were keeping her well. He couldn't help but be curious about the conditions of her keeping. She had a warm, comfortable bed and the window was sealed shut and barred on the outside. She had air conditioning and heating. She had her own shower and she got her meals three times a day. She left the room once a week... It seemed like good keeping. So why...? Narcolepse shook his head. He had bigger things to worry about. Like when Freak and Snow were coming back. Why hadn't he heard anything from them? Where were they? He couldn't help thinking the worst...

"Hey, Narcolepse! Maybe I should just call you Narc, haha."

He rolled his eyes and turned to leave the cafeteria.

"Oh, hey...! Don't be like that, man! Come sit and enjoy this plastic steak with me."

Narcolepse glared at her.

"Why would I purposely engage in any form of contact with you?"

"I don't know, you tell me. I mean last week, you were the one to give me your food."

"Fuck you."

"Please don't. You're pretty, but not that pretty."

"Shut up. I'm not talking to you anymore."

Narcolepse turned his back again and she caught his attention with,

"Don't you wonder why I haven't burnt this place to the ground?"

Narcolepse sighed and his shoulders slumped. He turned around and faced her.
"Enlighten me."

She smirked.

"Have a seat."
Narcolepse rolled his eyes and sat. She looked around, then leaned in close to Narcolepse.

"My fire isn't real."

"What the fuck does that mean?"

She let out an exasperated sigh.

"What you see? It's an illusion. You see it because I want you to see it."

Narcolepse shook his head.

"No, no, no. Snow was having visions about you before we even met you. You have fire powers. Your name is Phoenix for crying out loud."

"Wrong again. My name is Mirage. Anyone can lie."

Narcolepse shook his head.

"And how do I know you aren't lying now?"

Phoenix, er, Mirage sighed again.

"I guess you don't, Narc. But I've got nothing left to lose at this point. But I have everything to gain from becoming your friend."

"My what?"

"Friend. Keep up with the program, kid."

Narcolepse shook his head rapidly.

"No, no. We're done."

He stood and left the table.

The Creeps (Sequel to The Weirdos)Where stories live. Discover now