36 Rewrite

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It took a little over six hours to get to Florida. By that time, Narcolepse was at his limit. He pulled into a rest stop parking space and leaned his seat back. He was asleep in seconds. When he woke up, he was in the passenger seat and Mirage was driving.


"You don't know where you're going from this point and you're tired. It was my turn."

Narcolepse sighed and crossed his arms.

"Stop being a big baby. With that mentality, you won't be saving anyone."

Narcolepse stared out the window. That was right. Snow was more important than who was driving or how he got to the destination. Just as long as he got there and pulled Snow free from their experiments.

"Are we in Florida, yet?"

Freak said, voice still sleep-filled. Narcolepse looked back at him.

"Yeah. We're here."


Freak stretched and groaned.

"Time to put our game faces on, huh?"

Narcolepse smirked.

"Yeah. Guess so."

Snow stared up at the LED light shining above his head. His pupils were dilated and his body was weak. He couldn't even move his legs. They felt so heavy to lift. He was tired, but fear and drugs kept him awake. How long had it been since he was brought into this room, this place? He was tired and hurting... They took a lot of blood. They were drawing from him all the time, it seemed. Sometimes they took other things. Plasma. Skin samples. Hair. Bone marrow, once. They kept him hooked up to different IV's and monitors and had a camera on him at all times. He would never look at needles the same way ever again. Or hospitals in general at this point. Would he die here? The door opened and his heart began to pound. He whimpered and shook his head.

"No, please..."

"The bone marrow showed promising results."

Snow whimpered again and squeezed his eyes shut.


The Creeps (Sequel to The Weirdos)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz