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Narcolepse had been walking for two weeks. He was saving his money and eating the food from the bag he took. He got water from gas stations and other stopping points with water fountains. He took rides from strangers when they were offered, but he never gave them any real directions or guidelines on where they should be taking him. He didn't want them to know where he was really headed. He only got so far before the person would go in a different direction than he wanted to go. He was getting closer every day, but he was slowing down. He could feel it. He was exhausted and couldn't sleep well at night. He was tired from all the walking, too. It was having a very negative effect on his body. He didn't know how much longer it would be before he found Snow and Freak. He hoped they were alright and that things would be ok. He was in a stranger's truck and trying his best not to fall asleep. He didn't dare fall asleep right now. What if he needed to get out and go in a different direction? Or what if the stranger was one of those disgusting people who kidnapped runaway teens and whatnot? He didn't like the idea of that. Now that he had those thoughts in his head, he didn't want to be in the truck with this person. He swallowed. He needed to get to the border faster, though. Once they crossed, he was out. That was that. So, as soon as they hit the border and passed the checkpoint, he looked at the woman.
"I need to get out here. Thanks for taking me this far."
"Are you sure? This is the middle of a road, dear. And there's miles and miles until the next exit."
He swallowed again.
"Will you please let me out?"
The woman's face fell into a frown and she let out a soft sigh.
"Sure thing, kid. I hope you find your way alright."
She pulled the truck off to the side and turned on her hazards, then let Narcolepse out. She looked at him one last time before he closed the door. Then, she got back on the road. Narcolepse breathed out a shaky breath, then started walking. He took the first exit he came up on and sat on a bench there in town. He closed his eyes and tried to envision the car, Snow. He breathed out slowly and found himself looking through Snow's eyes.

"Why Georgia?"
"Because it's safe. It's where I've been. There's a trainer there. A real trainer. He can prepare you for the things you're going to face."
"'What I'm going to face'?"
"Yes. We've been gaining intelligence on the creeps that keep experimenting on mutants. I'll explain everything later. Right now, we just need to focus on getting you to safety."

Narcolepse stood from the bench. He was in Alabama. A state away. He would be there soon.

The Creeps (Sequel to The Weirdos)Where stories live. Discover now