Freighter and the Orangutan?

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LAST TIME ON BUTTERSCOTCH- Jotaro defeated Dark Blue Moon and the boat went kaboom.

Somehow you all managed to safely deploy the life boats, your group of eight residing in one while the original crew of the boat stay afloat in another.


Everyone remains silent as to think over what just occurred while the sun lowers itself in the sky. Kakyoin sits to your left, Jotaro beside him, and the young girl beside him. Oddly enough, Caesar sits in front of you, the rest of the line proceeded by Joseph, Avdol, and then Polnareff .

"So," an Italian voice breaks the silence, " Since we're going to be here for a while," his green eyes meet your own, the low light refracting off them and giving a vibrant effect," You seemed a lot more irritated than usual,"

"Now that he mentions it..." Polnareff adds but shrugs his shoulder after, " You brit's are always angry though,"

'I forget i'm british-'

"Do i really sound that british??" you question and bring your hands up to your throat as if it would give you an explanation.

"Painfully," a deeper voice belonging to Jotaro cuts in and you slump in defeat.

Caesar quickly diverts the conversation back to what it originally had been about by sending another look your way and you decide to be civil with the man, " Ah, right.." you fix your posture and pull the soggy blue jacket closer to your body at the decreasing heat provided by the sun," I don't like that guy in the first place," shrugging, you don't go into any further detail about the man, " But I just hate it when kids get involved," brows furrowing slightly, you recall whenever you first met Pucci, the only though on your mind being how wrong it was that Dio involved such an impressionable mind.

Seeing as the topic obviously bothered you judging by your silence, he switches the topic, " Non importa, " he gives a reassuring smile," Whenever you called for...Kars.." he seems conflicted by even uttering the name," That mans arm was sliced clean off? How?"

Eveyone just remains silent, quietly listening to the conversation between you and your ex lover. Polnareff leans against the backing with his arms splayed out against it while Avdol sits with his arms crossed and head slightly lowered down. Joseph's position mocks the flat topped man and Caesars remains neutral. From what you can tell, Jotaro has his head down with his hat covering his eyes and Kakyoins leaned against the backing with his head facing up. You cant see the girl from your point of view due to Jotaros large form blocking her, though you know that she's already out like a light.

Letting out a sigh, you prop your arm up against the side of the wooden boat and rest your cheek in your palm, " You understand the concept of stands, right?" he nods in response and you hum, the fact that he knows the whole concept making your job of explaining a whole lot easier," Well, my stand is actually just a little computer database with a bunch of names in it," he seems confused by your unfinished explanation, so you continue," The database is filled with dead peoples names, that is," you clarify and cast your gaze over to the almost set sun," The whole premise of mine is that I can summon spirits to come fight for me rather than a materialization of myself," you finish and he blinks, taking a scone to register.

"...So, do they listen to whatever you say?" he questions and motions his hands slightly, " Because from what I can remember, there's no way that Kars would have done any of our bidding even if he was forced to,"

Giving a weak shake of your head you reply," It's more like I can guide them. The only sort of control I have over them is that they feel a need to protect me which helps in having them do as i say,"

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