Pillar Men and Clacker Volleys?

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LAST TIME ON BUTTERSCOTCH- You were kidnapped by the Germans, forced to watch the awakening of the Pillar Man, and had to save some dumbass from him.

The ringing of bullets stops and you're left unscathed standing at a random soldiers side. While they were firing at the pillar man, you surrounded yourself in a thin bubble of hamon and used some to push off the ground, successfully making your way out of the bullets range.

Santana narrows his eyes at you and lifts a finger, pointing, " Are you the ones... who disturbed my slumber ? "

Stroheim takes a quick step back , " H-He spoke!?"

'No shit ' you roll your eyes at the german.

" Hes capable of thought, " Speedwagons expression darkens as he says this, " Hes learned our speech in such a short time!"

The two stare at eachother in silence before Santana speaks again," Die, " the tip of his finger explodes as a bullet is shot into the head of the man you saved. You groan at your wasted effort.

" Hes using our own bullets against us!? " a soldier yells.

You hear the voice of another soldier, " Hey, old man ! Hide over here!" you look over your shoulder and see oddly familiar styled brown hair poking out from under the helmet, " Hes still got morre bullets to fire!"

'Hold on is that...'

Just as Speedwagon is about to protest you cut in , " Joseph? "

His back slumps, " You ruined my dramatic introduction I planned!" he whines, does some weird ass pose infront of Speedwagon, and then starts running.

Stroheim, whos screaming in fear of the creature, gets his hat knocked off and hair manhandled by the Joestar.

"Hey, I need some of your hair! Just a clump or two, " ignoring the blondes angry comments, he yanks out the strands and you wince.

"Ouch..." you mutter and the brunette sends you a grin.

He breaks into another pose, the hair standing like pins, " I call this one the old hamon hair attack!!" The pillar disregards the display in front of him and proceeds to scatter bullets among the nazis. Joseph forms the hair into a barrier protecting himself, the head german, speedwagon, and of course you.

"JoJo!" Storheims heavily accented voice takes the attention away from the Joestar in front of you, " I've heard so much about you," sweat dribbles down his face, the hand holding his new bald spot falling to his side, " Listen, and listen good, Santana here, the so called pillar man, uses a mask to turn people
into vampires,"

'So there are more masks in circulation??'

He stands from his crouching position, continuing his little speel, " He does this to make them stronger! And then he devours them. Destroy him!!" the germans tone becomes more frantic and you cast your gaze to the stone enemy, " Please, while we still have time!!"

The creature makes eye contact with you and you hear Speedwagon yelling for Joseph to be careful.

"Cant we just hold on a minute?" you speak up, the brunettes hand outstretched ready to tap the pillar man in the nose. Noticing Stantanas impending irritation , you quickly hurry over to the brunette and grab a hold of his arm, moving it away from the stone mans face.

"I was just going to play tag," he pouts down at you and you purse your lips, hearing the amusement in his tone. Sighing, he shakes you off, crossing his arms, " Anywho, I don't think he's as evil as he seems,"

'that's what i'm saying-'

"IF HE WASNT EVIL THEN WHY ARE ALL MY MEN DEAD???!" Stroheim stomps up to the Joestar, the younger only putting his hand in the germans face, muffling his incoming insults.

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