Coach Ride and the Dog Abuser?

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LAST TIME ON BUTTERSCOTCH - You were invited to have dinner with the Joestars, befriended a nice man at the dress shop, and met Speedwagon in an alleyway again.

"Y/n, you're finally home!" Edward says in a gleeful tone, reaching out to give you a hug. You swerve around him, not wanting the affection at the moment, which makes him fall flat on his face due to him leaning forward, prepared to be caught by you. 

"Hello to you too, " you say while resting your newly bought dress onto the counter in order to fish the butterscotch out of your current dresses pockets. "I got you something, " at your words your dad quickly pulls himself off the ground and makes his way over to you. You plop the golden candy into his palm once he reaches you. "I had some pocket change, so I decided to get a little treat for us all. "

Thomas pokes his head into the back doorway at the mention of the word 'treat'. "Oh, what did you get? " he asks curious to what treat in question was.

"Butterscotch," you casually toss him his piece and he catches it with a small fumble of his hands. Both your father and brother unwrap the individual pieces and pop them into their mouths.

"Now I remember why it's one of your favorites," Thomas finally steps through the back door into the house and sets his jacket on a hanger. He crunches his butterscotch and you wince at the sound, "What time do you have to have dinner with the Joestars tomorrow? "

"I don't exactly know, " you pause to think for a moment. You actually don't know what time, but you have an idea of how you might get there. "I think that they may send a carriage to our house."

"How would they know where we live? " Thomas asks with a confused expression. You look at him as if he's stupid, but still answer his question.

"They've been to our house..."

He mentally face palms and responds with a quiet 'oh'. You figure that it's about time to head in for the night, so you tell your small family. The floor lets out a small creak as you walk over to the counter your dress is placed on. You gently pick it up and take it to your room with you, change into your night clothes, and put your lanterns out. You lay back into your bed and stare into the darkness of the ceiling. You're actually more nervous to have dinner with the Joestars than you initially thought. Butterflies well up in your stomach when you think about what could happen at the dinner tomorrow, some of the butterflies good, others not too good. You let out a large sigh and try to just fall asleep, which ends in a semi peaceful sleep.

You awake the next morning to an empty household all except for the single chicken you acquired a couple days prior. Your father went to work around four hours earlier and so has your brother, so you've been alone for a while. Your sleep schedule isn't the best, but waking up in the afternoon today means that you get to go to dinner sooner. You aren't completely thrilled, but you definitely are excited. The insects in your stomach from last night haven't calmed down very much, but you're still excited. The next three hours fly by meaning that you are now currently getting ready for the coming event.

You already slipped on your dress that you now notice fits you perfectly. While you were putting it on, you noticed it had pockets and got really exited and shoved the remaining butterscotch into to them. You're now fixing your hair into h/s and awaiting the sound of the trotting horses coming down the dirt road. The highly anticipated sound finally comes after you just finished up your hair. You slip on your black flat shoes and open your front door to see a man with dark hair about to knock.

"My apologies, I didn't realize that you were at the door," the coach driver says while stepping aside out of your way.

"It's quite alright, " you reassure, " You were just doing your job, " you finish while giving him a light smile. He gives one of his own and leads you to the door of the coach, opening it for you. You quickly get inside and sit down thinking you're alone. Though, when you turn your head, theres a boy in the seat that you had previously thought was empty.

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