Healing and Kidnapping?

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LAST TIME ON BUTTERSCOTCH- You got in trouble for messing with Lisa Lisa, found out that Speedwagons dead, and got shot up by Joseph.

"Straizo! Should I bash your head in?" Joseph asks, wiping his tears, "How about a healthy dose of sunlight? Some hamon?"

You trudge your way to him, Smokey close behind, as all the people scream about how Josephs going to kill them. You grab his ear and yank him down, lecturing him on the matter, "You knew that wasn't gong to work and you still did it! Open firing on a crowd?! Seriously!??"

"Ow! Ow! Okay, I'm sorry!, " he screams so you let go of him, " Jeeze, you really sound like granny Erina," he grumbles rubbing his red ear.

"Fixing this place is going to cost a lot, " you sigh as you watch Joseph kick a table and accidentally break his coffee cup.

"He just shot a man! " Smokey yells while looking at you, pointing at the man holding the gun.

Joseph looks at the other teen over his shoulder, " A man? You must mean Straizo. " he picks up a bullet looking at it confused.

"To save you some confusion, Smokey, Straizo is no human, at least not anymore," you explain and Smokey looks at you in complete disbelief.

'He must not get it. I probably should have explained it earlier...whoops'

"Smokey, go outside," Joseph tells him, "In fact, I'm hoping hes human. Then they can send me to the slammer for this," Smokey just gets even more confused. Some girls start crying so he starts yelling at them, " Everyone calm down! I cant hear! " he stomps over to the and you follow quickly behind to make sure he doesn't scare them anymore. He grasps ones shoulder, " If you two don't get the hell out, Ill stick my tongue in your mouth to shut you up!"

Once he says that, you slap the shit out of the back of his head and pull him away from the girls, " Will you stop?!" you turn to him, " Stop scaring them even more! If you would have gone into this calmly and didn't bring your big ass gun into this, we wouldn't even be in this situation! The least you can do for them is have either me or Smokey escort them out CALMLY instead of threating to shove your tongue in their mouths! They're already traumatized enough!" Everyone just stares at you in silence due to your sudden outburst, " Smokey, take them outside, " you ask him and he does, walking back in behind Joseph.

"Y/n, you're as righteous as ever, " you shoot your head around to see Straizo, who had stood up during your little rant. Your mind swirls with emotions when you see him up close.

' This is weird/ Hes hot again???/Why did he even choose to do this../ THIS MOTHER FUCKER-'

You all just stand in silence and watch the undead man who digs his finger into his leg and pulls out a bullet making you grimace. He twists his body and all of the bullets that were embedded shoot out, dropping to the floor.

"Dio ultimately failed because he became enamored with his own abilities. He played with his powers to see how far he could go, " Straizo says staring at all of you, " He opened himself up to attack and Jonathan made his move."

As much as you don't want to admit it, hes right, but you still don't like him talking about Dio like that. Hes a bad person on all levels, but there's just something inside that's telling you that he was misguided from the start.

"But I'm different. I'm going to find the extent to my powers after I've destroyed you , " a crazed smile overtakes his features, " I, Straizo, will show you no mercy! And Il start off with the technique Dio used to kill Jonathan!"

Your eyes widen at his claim, ' I've only told him about that once...was the only reason he asked me about it was to use it...? '

Joseph pulls his gun up and pulls the trigger, but nothing happens. Its not like it was going to affect the vampire in the first place.

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