Hell Climb Pillar and the Old Lady?

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LAST TIME ON BUTTERSCOTCH - You defeated Santana along side Joseph, were forced to be an uber, and got your shit partially rocked by the pillar men.

By the time all of you arrive, you catch the tail end of Joseph taunting the pillar men into giving him one more month to train. To ensure the brunette keeps his promise, Wamuu and Esidisi put rings around his windpipe and heart, the poison dissolving in thirty three days. After the pillars launch themselves into the air again, you jog over to the Joestar seeing as he's sitting up seemingly having a inner monolaughe with himself.

You reach him right as he collapses, eyes widening.

'mf just dropped dead.'

Quickly crouching to the ground, you prop his head up on your knee and check his pulse, a breath of relief escaping your lips once feeling the rhythmic beating in his neck.

"That was one hell of a gamble he made ," feet enter your line of vision and you look up to see Caesar looking down at the man around his age.

A incredulous grin crosses your face at the idea that in only one months time he would fight the pillar men, " You can say that again."


"AUGHH!!! What was I thinking?!!!" digging his hands into his hair and pulling his knees to his chest, the Joestars eyes dart between you and the italian, who's clad in his pink suit, " When I said i only needed a month i said it as a bluff!!!" his turquoise eyes land on you again," I didn't think he'd actually agree!! I should have said i needed a year..."

Shaking your head with a grin, you place your hands into the pockets of your dark jeans ripped into oblivion in the front and back. Well, they're not technically yours, you just stole them from Joseph whenever he went back to england to pack some of his things seeing as he'll be staying with you, lisa, and caesar for his training. He doesn't know that though, you had just made him go pack since you already had a plan for his improvement.

"Quit screwing around and act like a man! " Caesar barks out, cutting Joseph out of his panicky state, " We need to figure something out!!"

"I know!" he lowers his hands down to his sides, putting one up to his mouth, " This is just how I think!"

Quirking a brow, you send a confused glance at the blonde. Usually you would be in the same state of irritation if you were in his position, but you just happen to be in a good mood today.

"Didn't we bring him here for a reason?" you question and his eyes make their way to you, staring at you for a moment, contemplating.

Breaking the contact, he turns around to the table and pours a glass of water, " That's probably our best option right now," finishing the pour, he turns back around to the brunette, holding the glass in one hand, " Once you're done with your thinking, freak out, i want you to pay attention to what it doing here," he sighs, the Joestar doing just that. Without a second to waste, Caesar flips the glass over, the water staying inside due to his hamon power.

Jospeh launches from his seat as if it's the most impressive thing he's seen, "The waters suspended in mid air?!"

"Jojo," the blonde tosses the flipped over glass into the air, " Catch! Try to keep the water in the glass like that,"

"Easy!" he carelessly holds his hands out, you already readying the towel to soak up the water that's most likely going to end up on the floor. Just like you predicted, it exploded everywhere and you toss the rag at Joseph, why drys himself as Caesar gives the finger tip speech you gave to him a few years ago.


The three of you went on a search for Lisa, Joseph getting his breath mask upon meeting her, and yes, he got his ass beat.

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