Water and Straizo?

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LAST TIME ON BUTTERSCOTCH- You unexpectedly meet Joseph Joestar, beat up some cops, and let Suzie Q have a day off.

"I know, " he says, smugness seeping through his voice.

You drop the basket off in its original spot in the washroom and make your way to the kitchen, Caesar still following, "Has Lisa Lisa not assigned anything for you today?" you ask him and he shakes his head.

"No, I haven't heard from her yet. I don't even think she's come out of her room, cara," he responds.

"Oh, she's probably still asleep then, " you think for a moment and smirk, turning your head towards Caesar, " Might as well go wake her up then." You take a bowl from a cabinet and fill it with the coldest water you can get.

Caesar quickly catches on to what your doing, "Uh, I don't think that this is a very good idea."

You start walking to the victims room, "It'll be fineee. "

He sighs, " Okay, but don't get me into trouble with you."

You both get to her room and the Italian opts to stand outside the doorway while you quietly walk in. Just like you thought, she's soundly sleeping soundly in her plush bed.

'She's gonna be pissed' you quietly snicker. The two of you would often do things like this to each other. All in good fun though.

You get to her side and quickly poor the water over her head for her to gasp and immediately open her eyes. She meets your gaze, gives you a death glare, and hops out of the bed, so you book it.

"Caesar run!" You yell out to him as you near the doorway, the angry woman hot on your trail. He peeks his head in and sees you running at full speed and you grab his arm and start running down the hallway, a scared smile on your face.

"I told you this would happen!" he shouts as the two of you aimlessly run.

The footsteps behind you stop, so you look behind yourself confused but still running. Caesar skids to a stop and abruptly pulls you the other way.

"Other way! Other way!" he screams and you look back confused, but that confusion turns into pure fear when you see Lisa Lisa using her hamon to carry a giant bucket of water. You look forward again and Caesar skids around the corner and into one of the many closets on that hall.

You both catch your breath and your start to laugh. He quickly slaps a hand over your mouth when he sees the shadow of Lisa Lisa in front of the door. You look at him seeing that hes smiling, about to laugh. The shadow stays sill before moving away from the door. Caesar lets you of your mouth and you both let our a relived breath. Just as you do, the door is swung open and you're both doused in cold water making you shriek.

Lisa Lisa's figure towers in the doorway, " Ten laps, both of you. No hamon help either, " she holds her hand out for your fans. And you groan, taking them out of your waistband and handing them to her.

"Caesar didn't do anything though," you tell her making the man look down at you.

She places her hand on her hip, " Well maybe not directly, but he helped you escape. " She walks off to go take a shower and dry off.

The two of you walk outside and you finally speak up, "Sorry Caesar, I didn't mean for you to have to deal with the consequences."

He smiles, " Its alright, cara, " he assures and you both start your ten laps of hell.

Its around two hours before sunset when you both finish, Caesar having finished around forty five minutes before you because you decided to bend the rules and walk a little bit.

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