Thugs and a Rich Boy?

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(AN: Okay there's a lot going on in this chapter, it'll calm down some later on. Also, chapters following this one will be longer)
(AN - 1/18/21: Holy dog shit this is a mess LMAO. I went through and edited it to a tolerable level, so just bear with me)

The soft rays of sun filtering through the curtains on the window... the pitter patter of feet on the floor....the birds peacefully singing to themsel-


You sigh, knowing what broke the peace of the early morning. The clatter, courtesy of your brother and his entourage of pots and pans, continues and the songs of the birds are now replaced with a string of muffled curses.

'What a clutz,'

You begrudgingly leave your windows side and replace its company with the company of the idiot in the other room.

The sight in the kitchen is interesting to say the least. Thomas, the idiot in question, is surrounded by flour, broken eggs, and a singular chicken, who doesn't seem very happy. You stifle a laugh and crouch down to his level making sure to stay a good five feet away from him.

"Are you just going to stare at me? Help me up," he barks, extending his left hand followed by a grabbing motion.

Cocking your head, you respond, " You must be crazy if you think I'm going to help you when you're covered in...," you cast your gaze to his egg and flour covered hand and grimace, "all that..."

He huffs in annoyance and slaps the countertop making sure to splatter the egg concoction. Knowing where this is about to go, you start to stand up from your crouched position.

"You know, I have to get going soooo," the nervousness you're feeling seeping through your words makes your grimy brother hoist himself up from the ground and grab the remaining undamaged eggs in one swift movement.

"No, I don't think you do.." and with that one sentence, he barrages you with the rest of the eggs that haven't been cracked on him.  You let out a scream before trying to scramble out the back door of your small house, but Thomas has other plans.

He lets out an evil laugh as he seems like he's surrounded by a red aura. "Well both look like we're about to be deep fried now!!" he yells out in an unnecessarily loud voice and grabs the half empty bag of flower. Just as he about to douse you in the white substance, the chicken starts aggressively pecking his leg, resulting in him accidentally dumping the flour over himself. Taking this as your opening, you book it out the back door and into the town, not really registering that running out into public covered in eggs isn't very ladylike. Only when a man dressed in a nice suit comments on your appearance is when you notice.

"Oh look, another poor hussy looking for attention, how sad.." he says quietly to his friend, another man in a nice suit. You take the moment to look at yourself in a nearby puddle. Your usually neat appearance is now muddled and messy. Eggs coating your h/c hair, splattered on your f/c dress, and smudged all over your s/c skin.

'I don't look like a hussy per say, but I do look quite messy...'.

Huffing, you hike up your dress, and take your way along the back ally's. Maybe its a stupid decision in retrospect, but you know your way around the towns ally's like the back of your hand. All you have to do is wait an hour or two till your father gets home. After around a thirty minutes of wondering, you somehow make your way to Ogre Street. Not a good place to be for a very young girl like yourself. You've heard rumors about the people in this area and have always made sure to stay away from it, so why have you found yourself here of all times? Regardless of the reason, you convince yourself that you're going to get out of there in one piece.

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