Chapter 1 : Just Chloe

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a/n: hi this is chanel(not) 2015 speaking,
I wrote this book when I was younger and yes I do cringed at some part but hey it's sort of my first book ever so enjoy?

I'm still in the process of editing!

Check out my other books too

I love y'all<3

Chloe's POV :

"Chloe!!! Wake up Chloe!!!" I heard someone was shouting my name and tried to wake me up. "Chloe! Get up now!!" she shouted and pulled my covers. She sat down on my bed "What are you doing?" she said.

"Searching for the pause button" I said. Playing my index finger on her face.

"Well sorry but I'm not a stereo" she removed my finger off her face. "Now could you please get off the bed? We've got some news that we need to tell you" she stood up and crossed her hands.

"What news?" I got up and sat down

"I heard that someone wants to adopt you" she said Cheerly. I frowned, "What's wrong with that look?" she raised her eyebrow

"Carly, I'm scared, it would end like before. They dumped me and they sent me back here. And from that time, I refuse to be adopted!" I explained to her.

"Okay, okay, I knew that. But I heard that they were better than the rest"

"They? So it's gonna be more than one person?"

"Relax! One of them will! Get ready! Adelia wants to take us somewhere" She leaved my room and went downstairs. I sighed, I took a shower with my shower gel rose scent, and my shampoo and conditioner. The warm water really refreshed me.

I must say this was the best orphanage I knew. They set things right, and it was really neat, all tidied up perfectly. And then I wore my red t-shirt on, green long sleeved cardigan and denim short, And my flats. And went downstairs. I could saw Carly and the rest were busy with their own businesses,

"Aaaaahhh!!! Chlo chlo chlo! Guess what! One Direction is here in our town!!!" She exclaimed

"Geez... Carl... Stop fangirling"

"Ah.. Right.. But you know that I LOVE 1D sooo much!!!" She said and sitting down next to me

"Yeah, I like 1D too, just their musics, I've never seen their faces before. Unlike you, You're going a little bit overboard"

"I hope I could see them someday, I mean, today"

"Hocus focus to Carly, are you even listening to me?" I sighed.

"Ready?" Adelia asked while she took her black leather bag with her. I nodded,

"Alright then, let's go!" She exclaimed. Adelia, she had brown straight hair, she had a slim body, and she's still around 22. Yup! She was so young.

"Where are we going anyway?" Carly asked her.

"To the groceries shop". We both sighed.

"Is there any place to go? Beside the groceries shop "She said

"Like what? After all, you girls are only 13"

"True, but something else?"

"Well... You could go somewhere else, like the bookstore or the library perhaps?"

"Argh, Again? But.. At least that's better than the groceries shop thingy" they dropped me off front of the bookstore or a library or whatever I didn't care. I saw one van were parked there, strange... It's not very usual to have a van parked here. But anyway, I went inside and look for the right book. Novel, I like novel but I was not a big fan of Twilight or whatever they called it. Seriously, I didn't even know what's the story was about. When I found the right book, I took it to the front counter. The clerk stamped it in the front page. That's Mean, I borrowed the book. Before pulling the front door of the store, I heard some yells

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