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Life after that day was the same to say the least. Everyone was still acting like everyone and we were happy. Only one thing was different now. 

"Mommy!" I hear the cry come from behind me as I turn and see my three year old son running to me with his father chasing him. Laughing I bend down and pick him up before lifting him in my arms and resting him on my hip. 

"What's wrong bud?" I ask knowing Max somehow did something which in turn resulted in a never ending chain of these two messing with each other.

"Daddy called me a meany!" Aiden wails as he hugs me as I glare at Max. "Did he now?" I ask him as he sniffles and nods. "Max what have I told you about calling people names especially your own son?" I ask him sternly as he stares at me with wide eyes and his jaw dropped. 

"Wha- I did not! I just said he couldn't eat a cookie before dinner and he stuck his tongue out so I...called him mean." He started explaining then mumbles towards the end as I raise an eyebrow at this.

"So you did call him a meany?" I ask he starts shaking his head at me. 

"No I said he was mean not a meany. There's a difference." He says as he pouts turning away from us as I heave as sigh. What's the difference they both mean the same?

"Aiden honey, you can have ONE cookie before dinner okay?" I say turning to him as his wet eyes seem to dry instantly as he beams with a smile. 

"Thanks Mommy!" He says before giving me a wet kiss and jumping from my arms and runs to the kitchen as I stand stunned that I was tricked by my own three year old. 

"You have got to stop falling for his tricks Belle. That's how the little guy keeps getting his way." Max says sighing as he comes up wraps his arms around me. 

"That little runt. I'm gonna get him back." I say growling playfully as Max chuckles before nodding his head. "I'm sure you will." He whispers before kissing me and then immediately pulls back with wide eyes and a smile. 

"What?" I ask dumbly as his hand is placed on my protruding stomach and he bends down placing a kiss there. "I just felt her kick." He says as I laugh at his silliness. 

"What's the big deal Max? You felt Aiden's kicks when I was pregnant with him?" I ask as he stands straight before chuckling. "It just still amazes me even now. Feels like the first time all over again." He explains as I smile. 

"I love you Max." I whisper as he smirks before bending down and kissing me again. "I love you too Belle." 

Pulling away I make my way into the kitchen to see Aiden happily munching on a cookie. I reach the table he's at and stand in front of him with my arms crossed and he stops with the cookie midair noticing me. 

"Thanks again for the cookie Mommy." Aiden says softly chuckling nervously as I give him a stare to break him down. 

"You look great today also. Did you do something with your hair or new cloths?" He rambles as I say nothing until finally he broke.

Aiden throws his cookie on the table before getting down and hugging my legs. "I'm sorry I tricked you Mommy I won't do it again I promise just please talk to me!" He wails as his starts crying before I kneel down and hold him for a second. 

"It's okay Aiden. You just need to learn that you can't get everything you want by tricking people it's not right and it's not how me and your father are raising you." I say softly as he sniffles before pulling away slightly. 

"So no more cookie?" He asks as I laugh before giving his chubby little cheek a kiss. "Finish you're cookie but that's the only one you get today." I say as he nods his head before going back to the table and finishing his cookie. 

As I move back to stand I feel a gush of water making me freeze. 

"Max?" I ask hoping he was still close as I waddle my way to the door.

"Belle? What is it are you okay?" He asks as he runs up to me but stopping as he sees my smile. 

"I'm great it's just my water broke and our daughter is coming." I say as he starts mumbling and rushing around. "Max!" I yell as he instantly stops and turns back to me. "Just grab Aiden, my bag is already in the car." I say chuckling as I turn to the door and head out to the car hearing Max rushing behind me with our son.

"Mommy? Are you okay?" Aiden asks as I smile rubbing my stomach before looking back to see him in his car seat already as Max gets in and starts the car taking us to the pack hospital. 

"I'm just fine sweetie. Mommy is just getting ready to bring your sister into this world." I say as Aiden begins smiling before bouncing in his seat. 

"Finally!" I hear him yell as I'm turning back laughing along with Max at his silliness.

Finally indeed. 

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