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The minute Max left I grew suspicious. Almost like he was hiding something from me. I sit on the bed for a minute before I decide to go to Maddie's room. Maybe she knows something.

"Yes Is?" Maddie asks as she opens the door. I immediately rush inside and plant myself onto her bed as she slowly closes the door and turns to face me while I begin my rant.

"Your brother is just an asshole I mean we were just enjoying time with each other and then he says he has to go and won't tell me. I feel like he's hiding something, but I don't want to jump to that but at the same time if he is I should know right? I mean-" Maddie cuts me off by slamming her hand over my mouth silencing me while she tries to comprehend the word vomit that spilled out.

"Okay Is, I love you, but you got to slow down. What are you talking about?" She asks before lowering her hand and sitting down beside me. She places a comforting hand on my shoulder as I release a deep sigh before nodding slightly starting again.

"Max, I think he's hiding something." I state as she nods her head urging me to continue. "We were just talking in his room and then he gets one of those mind messages from Jay saying he found the people who caused our car to crash but when I tried to ask him about it some more, he told me not to worry about it and that it was alpha thing. I mean I'm supposed to be the Luna, right? Shouldn't I know about these alpha things also?" I ask as she looks pensive before speaking her thoughts.

"Is I think whatever Max is or isn't telling you is for your protection. We werewolves are very protective and very territorial. If he's not telling you something, then in his mind it's for your own good." She says as I nod in understanding.

"I get that I really do, but if it has anything to do with me then I feel like I should have the right to know." I shrug as she sighs heavily before clasping her hands on my shoulder forcing me to look her in the eye,

"If you're really worried, just talk to him." She says sternly as she lets go after a minute.

Nodding I get up and head to the door ready to leave but turn to face her again. "Thanks Mads." I say as she gives me a smile before shooing me out.

I still don't know what Max would be hiding but I'll for sure find out.

I walk past his room and instead head to his office knowing he would be in there. I knock on the door once I reach it but after not hearing a response, I grab the handle and open the door. 

"Max?" I call out as I look and see him at his desk not paying attention. I huff before slamming the door closed making his head snap up towards me as I stand with my arms crossed. "Finally, I have your attention." I say sarcastically as I walk to the chair across from him. 

"Belle, what are you doing here?" He asks as I scoff before replying to him.

"I'm here because you won't tell me anything. What are you hiding from me and before you say nothing, I know that's not true." I say as he goes to disagree. 

"Okay yes. I am hiding something, but I promise Belle it's for your safety." He tells me as I roll my eyes. 

"It's just words. Just tell me before you end up staying alone in your office all night." I say as his eyes widen before he sighs running a hand down his face. 

"You're killing me Belle." He says as I smirk knowing he will tell me now. "Cedric isn't dead. That is what I was hiding." He says as I feel my body grow cold.

He's still alive? How? Didn't Max kill him?

"The rogue we captured told us that he had a twin that took his place when I killed him. So instead of killing Cedric, I really killed his brother." He explains as I slump in my chair. 

"What's his plan?" I ask as he shakes his head before releasing a deep sigh.

"I don't know. But I do know that I am not letting you leave my sight until we catch him." He says. Great, that just means more bodyguards.

"Well might as well head to bed." I say getting up and stretching my hand out to him as he looks at me curiously. 

"I can't sleep knowing he's out there Belle. As long as he's somewhere it's not safe for you." he tells me as I groan before lowering my hand. 

"Max he's not going anywhere. Wherever he is he will probably still be there by morning now come on, I want to cuddle with my mate while I fall asleep." I say as he smirks before slowly getting up and following me to our room. 

The conversation replays over in my head. I couldn't believe that he was still alive and that he had tricked us. What was his end goal? What is the point of all this! Was it just for me or is he planning something else, something bigger? 

I push the never ending questions and thoughts away as I crawl into the bed beside Max. Immediately his arm goes around my waist pulling me closer until we hear a whine from the floor. Laughing I look down to see Jack laying there giving me his puppy dog eyes knowing what he wants. 

"No. Don't give in Belle." Max says gruffly knowing the same thing without having to look. 

"Oh come on Max. Just this one night." I say as I turn seeing his eyes closed. I softly place my hand on his cheek rubbing my thumb across it as he groans in annoyance and defeat. "Fine." He mumbles out as I smile giving him a kiss before turning back around and patting the bed next to me. 

Jack jumps up and snuggles in next to me as he nips at Max's hand before falling asleep. "Stupid dog." Was the last thing I hear before I fall asleep between my two boys.

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