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The plan was simple, or as simple as you can think. Max was against it the whole time, but I guess I can understand it. If the roles were reversed, then I would be acting the way he is also. The first part of the plan was to make sure I was alone, or to Cedric I was alone. In reality Max and Jay and a few warriors would be hiding around ready to strike. 

I figured since I'm what Cedric is after then I would start being alone more as much as Max hated that to give Cedric the opportunity to carry out whatever he was planning. After we discussed the plan, I headed out the forest like I was going on a walk to calm down. I'm very calm actually but Cedric doesn't need to know that. 

I guessed the plan worked when I heard footsteps behind me. I stopped walking and turned slowly, as if I was scared, to see Cedric standing there as if he won. He didn't all he did was fall into the trap, but I didn't let him know that. 

"Ceric? I thought Max killed you?" I asked in a whisper keeping up the act. Cedric smirked before he started to make his way closer as I stepped backwards until my back met with the harsh bark of a tree behind me. 

"Is that what you think? Your little dog didn't seem to notice. The difference between me and the one he actually killed. It was a good plan I do say so myself. Using my brother in my place so I can escape." He paused as he chuckled while I felt a chill run down my spine. I knew that Cedric had somehow switched places with his brother to get away, but it still disgusted me how he could sacrifice his brother, his blood, the way he did just to live. "I was actually going to wait a little while longer before making a move, but I kept an eye on you, waiting for the opportune moment Isa. But I couldn't help myself, I saw you walking through looking as beautiful as the day I met you and I just couldn't wait." He said in a whisper as I could feel a little bit of the fear of him I had creep in and take over. 

 The closer he got the more I doubted my own plan. I knew Max wouldn't let him do anything to me, but so many unknowns could be happening, and I wouldn't know because the man of my nightmares was keeping me trapped between him and this tree acting as my only support. I had no escape. 

"Cedric, just let it go. I'm mated and we were over way before that happened." I said in hopes of maybe getting through to him. It was in vain as he just laughed before his hand started to reach for me. 

I felt my body freeze in terror. I didn't think he would be this close to me before the rest of the plan happened. What was Max doing? 

Max? Did something happen? 

I tried mindlinking him only to get nothing in return making my fear grow by the second as Cedric started twirling my hair around his finger keeping his smirk as I started to shake a little thinking this failed. 

I was about to fight back before Max's wolf jumped out swiping Cedric away with his paw and standing in front of me growling. 

"About time! What were you guys doing? Playing around?!" I say to him as I try to calm the fear I had thinking the worst. Max let out a whimper but didn't move from his position as Jay comes running up beside me as another protective shield while the warriors we brought started to surround us. 

"Sorry Issy. We were jumped by a couple of rogues." Jay says as I look at him confused before realizing what happened. Cedric begins laughing as I turn to him with wide eyes knowing what he was thinking. 

"How did you know?" I ask him as everyone but Cedric casts me a confused look before looking to him again keeping their eyes on the enemy. 

"I figured this idiot would find out soon enough what happened when he 'killed' me and I know you Isa, remember we used to date. You wouldn't just sit by while they went looking for me so all I had to do was wait until you came up with the stupid idea to use you as bait. I'm honestly surprised the pup there let you go through with it." He explains as Max growls even louder. 

"Seriously I mean come on. Even I wouldn't let her do that but then again she doesn't have to with me." He says as rogues begin emerging from the trees. 

I failed. I thought we got him and I failed. I started to feel useless as we were surrounded as rogues cornered us. We should have brought more with us, should have thought through every possible outcome. Why was I so confident in this plan. 

My thoughts start going a mile a minute until before I know it Cedric and Max are going at it and everyone is fighting everyone except for Jay. He stays in front of me crouched knocking away anyone who gets to close. 

The fight that happens before me seems to start and finish in the same second though I'm sure it's been hours. Before I know it, Max is standing in front of me breathing heavily while Cedric's body is torn apart behind him. 

"Is it over? Did we win?" I whisper as Max gives me a smile before wrapping me in his arms for comfort, squeezing me to him. 

"Yea Belle. We won." He whispers back before pulling away and leading us back home. 

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