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My nerves are shot as the time draws closer. Maddie had dressed me in a beautiful white dress almost resembling a wedding dress and braiding my hair as well as adding makeup.

"Why does this feel like it's my wedding day?" I ask with a laugh as Maddie smiles nervously before averting her eyes.

"Maybe because in our world it, kind of is?" She says nervously as my eyes widen before I think over the procedure again. The more I think about it, the more I realize it does sound like a wedding. A weird religious one.

Noticing my silence, Maddie approaches me slowly before taking my hand. "Are you okay?" She asks as I slowly smile and nod my head.

"More than okay. If this to you guys count as a wedding, I'm all in." I tell her as she laughs with relief before pulling me into a hug.

"You got this. Just remember it's not actually a wedding, just you being introduced as Luna." She says smiling as I give a nod and watch her leave waiting for my cue behind the doors.

After I'm cued in, I walk into the open area and proudly with my head held high, walk to the front and center next Max. He gives a smile, taking my hand and helping me onto the make-shift stage as he turns and addresses his pack.

"Fellow pack members. As some of you may know I have found my mate. Today we are celebrating as well as introducing her as Luna for the first time." Max bellows out in a strong loud voice so everyone hears as I smile nervously to the onlookers, curiously mumbling to themselves.

Max turns to my taking my hand and making a small cut into my palm as well as his with the knife that was sitting on the table behind us. Clasping our freshly cut palms together he squeezes them over a bowl letting droplets of our mixed blood drip slowly into the bowl before looking me in the eyes intensely before reciting the vow we practiced.

"Do you Isabelle Martin, swear to protect the pack with your life? Swear to cherish and honor each member as if they were your brother? Your sister?" He asks as I nod before replying.

"I do."

"Do you swear to protect your Alpha with your life? Swear to cherish and honor him?" He asks as I hear the double meaning behind his words.

"I do."

With a satisfied nod, he squeezes our hands one more time as I feel a something poke at my mind. The crowd cheers as the ceremony comes to an end and I couldn't be happier.

Max takes my hand in his lifting them slightly as he addresses the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, Your Luna!" He yells out as cheers and howls are heard from the pack making my heart sore with joy and contentment.

We leave the stage and stand aside as members come pouring to us. I meet each and every one as they express their joy for their Alpha and their new Luna.

It's crazy to think that just a month ago, I was against this life but now; I'm as happy as I ever could be.

As Max leads us into his room, I feel nervous about being alone with him all of the sudden. Pushing the worries and fears aside I happily let him guide me as he closes his door behind us and sits on his bed, head in hands as if the weight of the world is on his shoulders.

"Max?" I ask quietly as I slowly walk towards him. Once I become close enough, He reaches out slips an arm around my waist pulling me closer resting his head on my chest. Running my fingers through his hair, I stand quietly before asking again.

"Max? What's wrong?" He sighs before raising his head and reaching up to land a kiss on my lips that sweeps me away as his hold steadies me and keeps me from collapsing. Pulling away, he gently guides me onto his lap as I wrap my arms around his neck silently waiting for his answer.

"Now that the pack has accepted you as Luna. They expect us to..." He trails off trying to find the right delicate words as I curiously wait for him to finish.

"To what?"

"To fully mate. They're waiting for us to fully mate and produce an heir." He explains as my mouth falls open in shock. Pulling away slightly, I run a shaky hand through my hair as I process the new information.

"But, We're too young and still in school." I say as he just nods grimly. "I know that Belle, but in our world we mark and mate the minute we meet. At least that much. The pack is just worried because all you have is my mark. They expect us to mate soon to solidify us." He says gently as I fully pull myself away from him standing in front as he looks up to me.

"I shouldn't be obligated to have sex with you! God, what happened to taking things slow, going at my pace!?" I almost scream in frustration as Max gets up before wrapping his arms around me in comfort.

"I know baby. I was just telling you, we don't have to do anything until you are ready." He tells me as I look at him gazing at me with loving eyes.

"I love you Max." I tell him as he smiles before placing a kiss onto my lips before pulling away.

"I love you too Belle." he whispers as I think over in my head what I was just told.

Mate with him? Produce an heir? Am I ready for that? I'm only eighteen, I still have my life ahead of me.

As I look at Max, I suddenly find it harder and harder to resist him. Reaching up I wrap my arms around his neck once more standing up on my toes as I kiss him. Not expecting this, he stumbles a little before tightening his hold around my waist before retuning the kiss.

Just like before, our kiss turns into passion and heat as we loose ourselves in each other. Breaking away to catch my breath, I place a lingering kiss on his lips before telling him what I now know.

"I'm ready to mate with you. Just no kids yet." I whisper onto his lips as they form a huge smile before being placed back onto mine where they belong.

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