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I stand at my locker, getting books out that I need and putting books in that I don't. My best friend Maddison comes rushing up beside me. Her sudden approach makes me lean back a bit. I close my locker and give her my attention. "Slow down there Mad. Where's the fire?" I ask jokingly making her glare at me for a minute. "Oh Ha ha. I forgot how to laugh." She tells me rolling her eyes before speaking again. "So what are your plans this afternoon?" She asks me with an eyebrow raised and expectant look on her face.

"Uhm, nothing really? Maybe just doing homework, why?" I ask cautiously already having an idea where this conversation is going. "Because Is, me and you are going to a party. Well more like you're coming to my house for a party." Maddison says with a smile on her face like she knows I'll say yes. I just stare in her direction for a solid minute wondering why she thinks I'd agree, she knows I hate parties. "Yeah I think I'll pass but maybe next time." I say with an empty promise as her boyfriend Jay walks up.

Jay Wilcott. He's been dating Maddison for the past three years and I still don't understand it. I mean one day the two of them were hating each other and before I knew it they couldn't keep their hands off of each other. I mean I've heard of love at first sight but that's just ridiculous.

"So is Issy coming to Max's birthday party or no?" He casually asks as my jaw nearly falls to the floor. Max?! She wanted me to attend that bastard's birthday party?!!! She knows how much I hate him and yet she still wants me to go? "Yeah I'm definitely not going then." I say scoffing before turning to head to my next class before Mad stops me. "Is please? I'm not asking you to play nice with my brother I just need my best friend to have fun with me for once. Please?" She damn near begs me as I attempt to ignore her puppy dog face which is always impossible.

"Ugh fine I'll go but you missy owe me big time and so do you Jay." I say pointing a finger at both of them as they simultaneously says, "Yes Ma'am." and "Why me?" I glare at Jay hearing what he said as he finally sighs and slowly nods his head. "Fine Issy I owe you." I give both a contempt smile before turning away and heading off.

I can't believe I'm actually going to Max's birthday party. It's not like he will care if I'm there or not.

Let me just paint you a picture. Maddison and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. Max and I have been enemies for about the same amount of time. Ever since he started bullying me as a child, I never wanted to be his friend. Now, I have to attend his birthday party. This will be fun.

After school let out I walked outside and saw Mady and Jay waiting for. If I could, I would sneak away and pretend to have forgotten about the party. But for whatever reason, I can never get by them without them knowing. As I walk up to them, I see Mady look my way before she starts waving her hands as if I didn't see her. "Is! Over here!" She yells across the parking lot as if I couldn't see her.

I walk up to them not really looking forward to doing this but might as well get it over with. "Can't I just meet you guys there? I know where you live Mady." I say using her nickname hoping it'll work seeing as she hates that name but I know it won't. "Nice try using that against me but nope! You're coming with us so I know you'll be there now let's go." She says before getting into the car and I just groan dejectedly before getting in as well.

The ride to Maddison's house is quite frankly uncomfortable. Her and Jay are overly affectionate in front of me. I try my best to block it out as much as I can. Then I see that we arrive at her house. For some reason, his also. I don't get why, but Maddison and Max aren't the only ones that live in this humungous place. Almost half of the school lives here too. It's like their parents run a homeless shelter or something. I don't get it but has nothing to do with me so it's whatever I guess.

Mady drags me upstairs to attempt to throw me into some dress. Only a hooker would wear that kind of dress and she knows how I feel about those. "Mady I'm not wearing that. What's wrong with what I have on?" I ask her as I gesture to my clothes that I wore to school. "Everything is wrong with that Is. You need to look sexy tonight and this dress with these heels will knock him dead once he sees you." She says not really paying attention to what she is exactly saying. But I heard and I'm afraid I know what, or rather who, she is referring to. "Wait a minute, he? Maddison, who is he?" I demand even though I know who he is. "Oh did I say he? Well could be anyone really, no one in particular." She says quickly as she refuses to look in my direction. It's what she does when she tries to hide something from me she knows I'll hate and this I hate.

"Not this again. Mady you know nothing is ever going to happen to me and Max I don't understand why you keep trying." I tell her, already done with this argument. "Oh come one Is! I know you two are perfect for each other it's just a matter of time before it happens." She tells me as I roll my eyes. I grab her dress, knowing she won't stop bugging me about it until I agree to put it on.

"For the last time, He will never have feelings for me and I will never have feelings for him. Now I'll wear this stupid dress but a serious no to the heels. I'm keeping the boots." I say before heading to her bathroom to change releasing a breathe I was holding. Truth is, I've always had a tiny crush on Max. I never told Maddison because, for one, it would go to her head. And two, I just don't want to date him. He's a player and an ass so why bother?

After I change into the dress, I walk out into Mady's bedroom to see her gone and probably already downstairs. I release a deep sigh knowing she would leave me alone to find Jay but I don't really hold it against her. I muster up the most courage I can. Then, I head downstairs to where the party is already in full swing. I decide to look for one friendly face here.

Not having much luck I try to make my way to the kitchen for a drink when I get stopped by someone. "Hey baby, what are you up to tonight?" I hear a guy I don't recognize whisper in my ear as I try to pry his hands off of my wrist. "Not with you that's for sure so let me go." I say back to him. I struggle until he forcefully spins me around, and pushes my body up against the wall, trapping me in with his arms. "Now hun, don't be like that." He says as he leans in and begins kissing my neck. My breathing starts to become rapid as I struggle even more to push him off. "No! I said get off of me you asshole!" I scream at him trying to push him away but nothing.

He eventually takes one hand and grips both of mine. He squeezes hard, and I feel pain shoot through my wrists, making me scream. He probably takes my scream as something else, as he keeps kissing me. "NO GET OFF OF ME!" I scream again yet it falls on deaf ears until suddenly his weight and touch is gone.

"She said to get off asshole. Now if you're going to be like this at my party then you better just leave now." I look up through the blur of my tears and see Max throwing the guy away and watch as he runs out of house. After a moment of silence, he slowly turns to face me. Then, he kneels down to where I am on the floor and gently rubs his hands softly down my arm. For some reason, I feel sparks running through my veins at his touch. I notice the bewildered look on his face before he covers it with concern. "Are you okay Isabelle?" He asks me as I do nothing but just stare.

Eventually I find the words to speak as I answer him. "Yes, thank you Max." I say quietly as he helps me to my feet. "Did he do or, try anything else with you?" He asks with what almost sounds like a slight growl in the back of his throat but I must be hearing things. "No, but I'm afraid if you didn't show, nothing would have stopped him from continuing." I say in a whisper as I hear the growl again but louder.

I look at Max as the sound seems to come from him but just shake my head. I must be imagining things, my brain is just scrambled right now. "It's getting late Belle, why don't you just stay with Maddison for the night?" I hear him ask. I quickly whip my head in his direction at the nickname he hasn't used in years. Unknowingly, I forget about what just happened. "Belle? Since when do you call me that again?" I ask, shocked. He smirks in response, then ushers me up to Mady's room and leaves me there. I hear the slight click of the lock, probably to make sure no one comes in other than Mady.

What just happened?

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