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I sit numbly at the table giving my parents a blank stare as they try talking to me. My dad had gotten here a while ago, mom wanting him here as she tried to explain it to me.All my life, I knew nothing of this werewolf stuff and now I learn I've been a small part of it this whole time?

"Isabelle? Honey?" My mom asks tentatively as I continue to stare blankly in front of me until I feel a hand squeeze mine. "This whole time. Ever since I could remember, you never said a think to me. Neither of you." I eventually get out as I slowly look my parents in the eyes as I see regret and sadness shown in them.

"We wanted to- "

"You had 17 years! That long to tell me I had a werewolf background but instead you guys left me in the dark! What if I wasn't max's mate? What if I was still kidnapped by some deranged wolf?" I scream at them as Max tightens his grip letting soft growls escape at my words.

My mom hangs her head as my dad just continues to sit there before standing with anger in his eyes. "You do not, and I mean DO NOT speak to your mother that way ever again. Instead of being a brat, let her talk." He says as Max stands into a stare off with my father as he growls. "And you do not speak to my mate that way. I am still your alpha." He grows out.

"You're their alpha? So you knew." I say in anger ignoring my parents for a minute.

"No. I promise you Belle, I didn't know your parents were half wolfs let alone apart of the pack. I just found out and your mother explained that my father had let them stay in our territory though technically not part of our pack but they still answer to the alpha." He explains as I nod before looking to my parents.

"Isabelle. We wanted to tell you, believe me we did. But we thought it be best if you didn't know, you never showed any sign of having a wolf, but when you and Max started dating we thought that you just be mates I mean you went from hating him to never leaving his side." She explains as I don't show any sign of forgiving her yet.

"So you still don't mention this to me? I think that would've been a good time." I say rolling my eyes before leaning back against the chair.

"Look I admit we should've told you but I'm sorry we didn't okay?" She says tiredly.

Sighing I turn to my parents silently for a second before responding. "I won't say I forgive you but I will. Eventually. This was a huge secret you guys kept from me my entire life and I was in the dark about it all until Max told me. I love you guys but it hurts you didn't trust me enough to tell me." I tell them as they both nod before standing.

"We need to go but Isabelle we do love you and we're sorry we didn't tell you." My mom says as I just nod at them again before leaving.

What was I supposed to say? That it's okay? It's not, none of this is okay but I'll live with it. I can't imagine being mad at my parents forever. I'll forgive them eventually. 

"Belle? Are you okay?" Max asks me as he hold my hand in his gently. I give him a smile which earns me one in return before nodding. "I'll be okay I promise." I say to him as he nods before giving me a kiss that I eagerly return.

Pulling away, I stare at the beautiful man in front of me before remembering what had happened before. "What are we going to do about Cedric?" I ask almost regretting saying his name. Max growls before shaking his head. "Don't worry about that please. I'll find the son of a bitch and I'll kill him. I won't let him hurt you again." He says so fiercely that I can't help but believe his words. 

I give him a sad smile in return. He doesn't know. Doesn't know what he is really capable of. What he is determined to do. 

"Stop." Max growls at me as I stare shocked and confused before realizing he probably heard my thoughts. "You're damn right I did." He glares at me as I chuckle before going in for a hug. "I'm sorry Max. It's just I know what he's like. What he did." I trail off stopping as Max growls louder. 

Everything I do, Everything I say. I just seem to make him madder. The opposite of what a mate is supposed to do. I'm failing. A failure of a mate. 

Max grips my shoulders softly before tugging me away as he stares at me growly assuming he's still listening to my thoughts. I hang my head down as tears start to collect in my eyes before Max lifts my chin with his hand wiping the tears away catching them as they fall. 

"Please Belle. Stop this. Stop degrading yourself, stop giving that bastard more credit than he deserves which is none." He says softly as I notice sadness swirling in those beautiful eyes of his. 

"I'm sorry. I can't help it." I whisper as gives me a kiss on the head before wrapping me in a hug. "It's okay. You're not a failure. You're not the reason for my anger. I'm more mad at myself for letting him get away." He whispers to me as I hug him tighter.

"We'll get through this together and I will end him the next time I see him." Max says as I just give a nod. 

I hope he's right. I really hope he's right.

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