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Max's POV:



That's all I felt. All that came through our connection. I tried to ask her what happened. Tried to see if she was okay but all I got was silence. 

After I felt the horrible feeling on my neck, I immediately knew something happened to Belle. Growling in frustration at myself, I try again to establish a connection again with her but all I'm met with is a wall. 

"Alpha? What's wrong?" I hear Jay vaguely ask but all I can focus on is my mate. She is somewhere and she is in pain but where is she? How is she in pain? What happened to her after we left the school?

I knew I shouldn't have left her but did anyway, if I was more persistent, more adamant on her coming over she wouldn't be goddess knows where with goddess knows who. But I know who.

Only one person comes to mind when I think of my mate in trouble and it's him. The thorn in my side, the bane of my existence. The disgusting rouge who is constantly trying to take my mate from me. 

"Alpha?" Jay asks again as I didn't answer him the first time. "Something happened to her Jay. Belle is gone and I think I know who did it." I say growling tightening my fist as I hear gasp from behind me. 

Shit. Mady.

I turn around to see my sister looking between the two of us with unshed tears as she slowly walks closer to me. I see out of the corner of my eye Jay stiffen as his mate gets close to an unstable Alpha with anger coursing through him waiting to find someone to take it out on, but I would never hurt my sister no matter how angry and full of rage I was. 

"What did you say?" Mady whispers as I shake my head closing my eyes tightly not wanting to hear let alone say the words again. "Max. What did you say." Mady says again growling after each word causing my inner wolf to growl at the fact that a wolf under us had the nerve to growl. Pushing him down I swallow thickly before uttering the disgusting words I want to never say a third time. "Belle is missing and I think Cedric took her," I whisper, struggling to get the words out as she lets the unshed tears fall and Jay rushing to her side to soothe. 

"Cedric? No this can't happen to her not again. She won't be able to take anymore." I hear her whisper assuming I couldn't hear. 

Growling I turn fully facing her as I move closer until I'm a mere few inches away as she looks at me in panic as if realizing she said something she shouldn't of. "What can't happen. What are you talking about Mady." I say with a growl as she struggles from telling me. 

"I felt the pain of someone else touching what's mine in a way only I can and pain from someone striking my mate, so I say again. What can't happen." I say again not liking I had to repeat myself as shock overcomes her features from the words I said. 

"Wait felt?" She asks shocked as I momentarily look confused at this before resuming the glare and hard look I previously had. "This shouldn't be possible. She's human. You guys should only be able to communicate with each other nothing more." She continues as me and Jay both like at her as if she had two heads. "What are you talking about? Mates can communicate with each other as well as share thoughts and feelings." Jay says confused as Mady shakes her head. "Yea wolf mates as in both parties are a wolf. This pairing is half wolf, Issy is a human she shouldn't be able to do more than communication. Come on guys this is mates 101." Mady says as we both slowly realize she's right. There has been human/wolf mates out there but none that can do more than your normal communication. So why can I feel her pain?

"Forget about that for now, the important thing is focusing on my mate. What aren't you telling me Maddison." I say again using her full name knowing she hates it but gets her to cave.

"She'll kill me if I tell you. I promised I wouldn't tell anyone what he's done especially after he left and she was free." She whispers as more tears fall at the thought of betraying her best friends trust. 

Sighing, I calm my wolf and assure Jay I'm fine as I give Mady a hug before pulling away and leading her to a chair and kneeling in front of her. "I understand Mads, but she's in trouble and if you know something we don't you need to tell us. I promise Belle will understand and won't be upset." I whisper to her as I take her hand in mine and give her a comforting squeeze.

"It happened when she started dating him. You weren't around because you were off training with Jay to take over." She starts not looking at either one of us but staring at her lap. "At first it was fine. Cedric was a good boyfriend to her, and I didn't stop her from dating a rouge because he proved to dad that he was civil." She explains laughing bitterly at the last bit. I refrain from growling at the mention of that rouge being her boyfriend not wanting to keep her from continuing. I need to know everything, no matter how much I have a feeling I won't like it, I have to know. 

"They were dating for probably about a few weeks before it started. It was slow at first and not noticeable but thinking back on it know the signs were there. I wasn't aware of what he was doing to her until her personality was changing. The way she would talk or even avoid eye contact with anyone but him and I had to pry the truth out of her.

Cedric was abusing her. He would hit her in any spot not noticeable to the eye of the public. Like I said unnoticeable at first, because from what she told me it happened here and there, and he would apologize for it knowing she would overlook it. But then his anger got the better of him. For months he would lash out at her for any little thing she said or did and it wasn't until it got worse when I helped her leave him." She explains as I had let go of her hand not wanting to hurt her and instead was clutching at my jeans as the story got worse and worse until I ripped the fabric from my skin. 

Knowing what she means but needing to hear I ask forcefully, "How worse?" Mady looks at me, pleading me with her eyes swimming with tear not to make her say but I need her to. My wolf and I need to hear it. The words that no wolf should hear about happing to their mate, but I need to. If I hear it, then I know how painful I can make his death. 

"He was raping her. The abuse came from the fact that she wouldn't give in to him and after months Cedric got tired of it and took it from her. He took her innocence and continued to do so until she left him and then he disappeared." 

The room was silent, so much so a pin could drop. That is until it was filled with growling from me and Jay. 

Jay from having to hear this from his mate about his Luna.

And me. Hearing the abuse and pain my mate had gone through when I wasn't here. The rage I had inside bubbled up even more so and I knew my eyes were covered in obsidian black showing my wolf at the surface. I saw nothing. 

Nothing but the moment my teeth would tear into the rouge when I find him. Tearing him limb from limb for touching my mate in a way she didn't.

The growling ceased the moment a phone ring pierced through the room and as I look down, I feel wolf leave as soon as he came seeing who was calling Mady. 

"It's her mom." Mady whispers as I see the panic in her eyes at the thought of having to tell Belle's mother her daughter was missing.

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