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"Is? Are you okay?" Maddie asks rather than answer my question as I nervously glance continuously at the door. "I'm fine. So, the ceremony?" I ask again as she gives me a doubtful look before explaining to me.

Basically, from what I gathered I have to cut my hand and repeat a vow from the Alpha. Simple enough.

"So, when do we do this?" I ask impatiently as I just want this to be over with.

"Well, seeing as Max and Jay are running after Cedric, probably a few more days?" She answers as I sigh in defeat.

Before I can say anything else, we hear a banging coming from downstairs as I look to Maddie seeing her unease. She doesn't seem to recognize the person downstairs as I try to reach Max.

Max? Are you downstairs?

I ask him through our bond as the sounds get closer to the room we're in.

We're still chasing the trail. Why? What's going on?

I hear his panicked question in my mind when the door swings open and we see Cedric standing in the doorway. I nervously grip Maddie's hand as I began to feel the fear consume on the inside at seeing him in front of me again.

Max! Cedric is here!

I say in a rush as I faintly hear him tell me he's on his way before Cedric slowly closes the door behind him taking a few small steps inside the room trapping me and Maddie inside.

"Ladies, we have to stop meeting like this." He says coyly as a smirk emerges on his face while Maddie just growls.

"Get out of here now." She says as she takes a defensive position shielding me. 

Cedric shakes his head as he approaches us making my nerves become even worse. 

"We were interrupted last time Izzy. I came to finish what I started." He says before his eyes flick to Maddie. "And possibly start something new." He says suggestively Maddie growls even louder. 

Before he can step any further, the door goes flying off the hinges as Max stands growling with eyes pure black. No words are said as he charges at Cedric before throwing him out the window and follows after him. 

"Max!" I scream as I rush to the window to see both men in wolf form as Max circles around him before charging and clawing at every inch of his body he can get to.

It seems like time stands still as they both start clawing and biting at each other making my heart still from seeing Max in close danger. I don't know what to do but there's nothing I could really do. I'm just a human who newly found out about her werewolf lineage. I have no super strength or anything that can help Max win other than the strength of our love, the strength of our bond. 

The fight goes on in a blur and before I know it, Max and Cedric are across form each other in the field just growling, waiting for the other to strike again. I hold my breath as Cedric begins circling Max, growling and nipping in his direction, egging him on to make the first move. Then it happens. 

So quickly I almost missed it, but Max lunges forward and wraps his jaws around his throat in a flash shaking his head violently back and forth before all you hear is a snap and his lifeless body sag before Max spits him out and growling once more. 

He changes back as a pack member hold out shorts for him to take which he does. Max pulls on the shorts before turning in my direction and meeting my eyes before I hear the best words from his mind. 

He's finally gone baby. 

I smile at him as I feel a weight lift from my shoulders as he runs towards the house disappearing before reappearing right in front of me in the next second. 

"You never have to worry about him again. I told you, I wouldn't let him touch you ever again." He says as he gently cups my face in his hands placing a kiss onto my lips. My hands crawl their way up his chest and into his hair as I loose myself in the blissfulness of the loving man in front of me. His wands wonder from my face down my body to my thighs gripping them as he hoist me up prompting me to wrap my legs around his waist as the kiss turns from innocent and sweet to rough and lustful. 

Our hands wander and explore each other as his lips break from mine to trail down my jaw to my neck and hitting my mark he left upon me as pure pleasure crashes into me at the sensation topped with the position we are in. My thoughts go blank as all I can think about are his hands and lips before a cough breaks the spell pulling us apart as I notice his lips become swollen and our breathes are ragged. Looking over his shoulder I laugh slightly to see Jay looking amused and Maddie looking disgusted. 

"Every fucking time." Max growls as he kisses me one more time before setting me down and turning to see his sister and her mate who had interrupted us. I laugh once more as he realizes he growls realizes how much of a cock blocker his sister really is. 

"Can I help you or can I get back to appreciated my mate?" Max asks as Maddie's expression turns from disgusted to amused much like Jay's before laughing. 

"You do realize, dear big brother, that you are in my room right?" She asks as he stubbornly looks away gripping my hand in his as I laugh placing my head onto his shoulder to muffle the sounds. Doesn't do much good when you're in a room full of super hearing werewolves. 

"Anyway, before you tear into each other. We need to talk about the Luna ceremony." Jay says as Max stiffens slightly before relaxing after seeing the smile on my face. 

He fully turns to me before asking me, "When were you thinking baby?"

"How about, as soon as possible?" I ask cheekily as he grins before kissing me again ignoring the groans of disgust form both Maddie and Jay this time. 

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