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That's all I see, all I felt. All I knew. 

I felt new sense of assurance after my conversation with Max, but it didn't help the guilt I felt from what he did to me. Why do I feel guilty? I didn't want this. I didn't ask for his hands to touch me in places no one should. Only Max. Max was the only one who could touch me, kiss me the way Cedric attempted to.

He was far from gentle. Every touch, kiss, and caress that came from this monster was rough and unforgiving. I felt dirty. Felt undeserving of a mate like Max. I'm not fit to be his Luna. I can't be. Not after this. 

I knew Max could feel what I felt. I could feel his to. it confused me. Mady told me we could only communicate. Why can I feel his rage? Why can I feel is panic? His fear? All of his emotions mixed with my own makes my head spin, but I welcome it. Makes me feel more connected to him. It comforts me. 

I curl into ball hearing the chains rattle as I recall the horridness of what took place a mere minutes ago. subconsciously, my hand reaches up and lands on my mark remembering the searing pain I felt when Cedric forced himself on me. It was unbearable. Our connection felt shaken at another man touching me let alone doing worse. After the conversation I felt it strengthen yet again but for how long? Would our connection fade with every touch I feel from this monster's dirty hands? Is it because we haven't fully mated? 

For a moment I shake my fears and concerns away as I hear the bang of the door open before footsteps approach me. Fearing it'll happen again I attempt to shrink further away as if it would protect but it wouldn't, it never did. 

"Here. Eat. You need our strength for what I need to do." Cedric slams the tray down bits of mushy food flying off and onto the floor before he kicks it, sliding it through the bars. 

"Please, let me go. I don't belong here." I whisper feebly as I feel anger radiate from him at my words. "No my love, I need to rid you of that disgusting mark with my own but you need to recover for that." I stiffen at his words. Get rid of my mark? No he can't. He won't.

But he will, I know he will. This man is demented and thinks I'm his mate he sees no reason. I feel my body shake and rattle with sobs escaping me not caring that he can hear. Let him. He needs to know the torture he puts me through. 

Belle what happened now? 

I hear the panicked voice of my mate as Cedric scoffs at my unmoving body before leaving. I stay silent not wanting to tell him what I just heard. Is it possible? To break a connection as pure and sensational as this? Aren't mates sacred in this world? Their bond?

Belle? I felt nothing but fear and sorrow. What happened?

Max whispers to me again afraid of what I'm going to say. Do I tell him? Do I subject him to the same thoughts as I'm suffering of the endless possibilities of never having his mark again?

Max. You don't want to know. 

I whisper in an attempt to shield him of the horror of what I was told. Fueling his anger when the person who had inflicted it is not in sight is a bad idea. Even I knew that. He could easily strike an innocent wolf out of blind anger and then hate himself after, I don't want him to do that. To feel the hate for himself that I feel about me right now. 

Belle, please. Tell me. I can handle it.

I sigh knowing I'll cave and tell him anyway.

He wants to replace your mark with his. Break our connection. Max I'm scared. I don't want to lose you like this. To not feel you even when you're not here. 

I whisper in a ramble as more tears shed. I hear a growl so loud it almost gives me a headache, but I welcome it. It's his growl. Just another reminder that he's here. With me even if it's not physically, he's still with me. 

I won't let that happen. I promise Belle, I'm coming for you, and he won't escape death by my hands.

I relish in the sincerity of his words even if he's too late. 

He won't be. I have to believe that. Max will be here. He'll take me from this hellhole and live life together. I can feel myself drift forgetting the tray below. I won't eat it. If he's waiting for me to get 'better' I will never if it meant keeping from doing what he said.

I wake up to angry banging and as I sit up and resume my curled position from yesterday. Seeing Cedric on the other side I tremble in fear as he growls before eyeing the untouched food he left. "Why did you not eat Isa?" He says with more growling as I recoil into myself not wanting to answer. 

He growls once more before angrily stomping into the cell and closing it behind him making my fears worsen. He never did that before. He always left it open. 

"Answer me." He says as he forces me out of my ball and lowers himself on top of me. He sniffs me neck like he has been before leaving kisses and bites before grabbing my hands placing them against the makeshift bed he placed in here and squeezing roughly as I whimper in pain. 

Whimpers and cries were all he got out of me, and it seemed to encourage him, but I couldn't help it no matter how hard I tried to not make a sound it still escaped me. I weakly thrash my body to try to get him off but like before it didn't work. his grip tightens painfully more before one hand trails my body causing more tears. It lands on my waist until he slowly slides it under my torn top and inches its way to my breast. He had long torn my bra off for easier access. He stops assaulting my neck and forcefully catches my lips biting and nibbling drawing blood as I scream in his mouth and continue to thrash. His touch leaves a burn that I want to stop but never does. Not until he finishes. 

A bang is heard causing Cedric to jerk away causing more blood as he was still biting me. I look through the blur of my tears in anticipation to see what caused the noise. After bit of nothing happening Cedric returns to what he was doing but before I continue thrashing more, I see the greatest gift from the Max barrel down into the basement. 

Max was here.

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