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I've seen a rouge up-close before, but that was when I had thought I was going crazy. As I stare at the grotesque looking wolf with red eyes and matted fur, I start to feel that fear I felt that day but more prominent and most definitely more real. "Issy! Look out!" I hear Jay scream from behind before I pushed aside by what I'm assuming was his wolf as he stands in front of me blocking my view from the nasty rouge. "Jay?" I ask in a whisper hoping only he can hear but by the growl coming from the rouge I get the feeling he can hear me no matter how quiet I try to be.

Jay swivels his large wolf head around to face me before his eyes scream the one thing I've been thinking since the rouge came. Run.

I hesitate for a moment not feeling right about leaving him alone but Jay nudges me with his large head in the other direction as I slowly start to back into the other direction before he focuses back onto the rouge making sure he won't follow. As quickly as I can and with no sense of direction, I start running in any direction that will take me far away from them, but I still feel the slight guilt of just leaving him.

Stop it. There is no need to feel guilty, he told you to run to save you. So, run.

"Belle?!" I hear Max yelling as I slow to see if I can hear where he's coming from? "Max?" I ask to the wind as I search desperately for a sign of him amongst the trees. "Max? Are you there?" I ask again as I hear no response. As I turn some more, I find myself facing Cedric as he stands there with a stupid smirk on his face. "Oh Isa, what a lovely surprise. You saved me from having to search for you or to find that stupid beta of yours." He says as I frantically search around for a way out. I give up hope when I see rouges start to circle around both me and Cedric as if to keep me in or keep someone out.

"Max? Are you there?" I quickly think to Max hoping he's okay and can hear me. "Max?" I ask again only to get no response. I start to try again when out of nowhere, Cedric grabs my face forcing me to look at him breaking my concentration. "Now there's no need to try to get ahold of that old alpha, it's useless." He says with sneer as I try wiggling away. "Let me go you bastard!" I scream as I hope someone hears and comes for me. Mady. Jay. Max. Just someone.

Cedric begins laughing above me as if he knew about some joke that I didn't. "There's no use in trying to scream for your friends, they can't hear you Isa." He says with a chuckle before he takes his hand off my face and slings me over his shoulder in a tight grip. "You can wiggle and struggle all you want, but there is no way you can get out of a wolfs grip. you are human after all." I suddenly freeze after hearing his comment.

He's right, it's no use. He's too strong for me.

"Hang on Belle, I'm coming for you." I hear in my head as I subconsciously begin to smile at his voice. Max is coming for me, he's okay. I try to keep myself composed as to not let on about Max coming when I hear a growl from behind and before I knew it, my body is being tossed in the air as I scream waiting for the ground to catch me.

I close my eyes tightly waiting for my body to meet the ground, but I'm only met with a soft surface. I hear a growl from below me, and as I open my eyes and look down, I immediately feel relief as I see the familiar black wolf I know. "Max?" I ask as I clutch his fur not wanting to fall off. The only response I get is a slight whimper before he growls facing Cedric making sure to keep distance. 

"Well look who came to save the damsel in distress, Maxie boy!" Cedric says as he walks closer only making Max growl louder and back further away until his furry butt hit a tree.

'Belle, I'm going to get you out of this. Just hang on.'

I hear Max tell me letting me down as I just nod and nervously look around the area. How on earth does he plan to get us out of this? Is Mady okay? Jay?

There was a long awkward stare down between a wolfed-out Max and a still human Cedric. The longer the two stared the other down, the more I wanted to just run home and hide in my closet. Before I knew it Max and Cedric had gone at each other and unknowingly, Max had left me wide open for the other rogues as they slowly started my way. I started panicking as I tried to look for a way out but saw none.

"ISSY!" I hear someone scream my name as one of the rogues leap towards me and pins me to the ground. I struggle against the big animal before he's ripped away and I see Mady pull me up. "Mads?!" I say as I instantly hug her for some reason thinking she was...gone.

As I look around I see Jay fighting the rogue that pinned me, Max still fighting Cedric and Mady fighting off the other rogues that get too close.

"Leave now Cedric." I hear Max say suddenly and as I look towards them again I see Max standing over Cedric bloody on the ground. "Before I kill you." He continues before he turns and makes his way towards me. "Are you okay?" He asks me as I nod before we all start heading home.

Don't ask me why, but as we walked out of the woods leaving the carnage Cedric behind, I glance back to see him smirking my way before he gets up and disappears.

His face said it all. Even with the look in his eyes, I knew. Cedric would be back and he would come for me. The only question was, who would he kill to succeed?

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