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"This is the training room." The man glanced at Athena. Marking all the muscles that were already laying on her body. "But I don't think you will need it." He smirked at her.

He was attractive, one could say. 

He stood at 5'9. With blonde hair and green eyes. But seeing as with shoes on, Athena was also 5'9. It wasn't that impressive. 

He also was too misogynist for Athena's liking. She really wanted to put him in his place. 

You were told to blend in. Not stab him. Remember Athena. 

Yes, she remembered. 

Her father, that was so strange to say, had said she could have a tour of their hideout. before they had their whole "I'm not dead and I'm really your father" conversation. Which was probably a good idea seeing as Athena was about to stab someone again if they tried to grab her arm to direct her somewhere.

It wasn't her fault that she was startled. The man shouldn't have grabbed her shoulder. If he didn't, he would still have ten fingers. 

Liam here thought Athena was a new recruit. WHich she was not, seeing as now she has a thing against working with groups. 

She maybe would stay awhile, but she still had a trafficking ring to take down. 

And a Matteo Rossi head she wanted on a stick. 

Liam never seemed to shut up, he was either talking about how he goes to the training room everyday. Or home much he loves himself. 

You can't stab him, remember. 

They finally made it to the "meeting room", before athena reached for her knife. 

Well, not her knife, she had stolen it out of the room she was held up in. Which was a hospital room, in a hospital wing, because these people were rich.

"Have fun with the bosses." Liam leaned against the door, blocking her from entering. "You know its rude to ingore people. Or do I make you nervous, princess?" 

He reached for her cheek and when his finger barely grazed her skin. He was on the floor. Athena had swung her foot and knocked him on his ass. He caught his breath as she held a knife to his throat. 

THe door behind her swung open, her mother gasped as she saw the sight in front of her. Athena didn't even move for the noise. She was too focused on the look of fear that sprang into Liam's eyes. 

Oh, how she missed the look of fear. 

She really did need to go on a killing spree or something. 

"Liam, I see you have met my daughter." Lucas White spoke calmly as he watched. His voice laced with excitement. 

Daughter, Athena never thought she would hear that again. 

"Daughter?" Liam squeaked, his eyes widened as Athena's smirk grew. 

"That is what I said." Lucas spoke. 

Athena slowly removed her legs from Liam's side. She didn't like the feeling of him underneath her. He was too much of a prick to be allowed anywhere near her.

"Athena dear," her mother spoke calmly. "Let's get off the solider, yes?"

SIghing she stood, not before of course she took a swipe at his chin. Cutting his chin enough for it to bleed. He hissed and slid away from her as soon as he could. 

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