In a matter of minutes, a huge noise could be heard coming from the audience, the security guards were on top of the stage, and the band was off the stage. With 15 people around me worried, two uniformed people came from the middle of nowhere. They spoke in a friendly voice and were careful. Ah, paramedics. They are always like that. Inside the ambulance, with an oxygen mask on my face, medication in my vein, and my top completely off, with a shield covering my chest, I started to gain couciousness. My first impulse before I wanted to open my eyes was to touch my belly to see if everything was okay with my little one, with the mini rockstar, as I usually call him. The paramedic's English had a very strong German accent but was good enough to understand. We arrived at the hospital in a race against time. "Female, 24 years old. Unconscious on the scene, but is beginning to regain consciousness. She has low oxygen saturation, and just a moment ago we couldn't feel a pulse.", "Oh, and she's pregnant. From the size of her belly, she must be at the end of her first trimester," another paramedic said. The hospital was Austrian, but because it was a university hospital everyone spoke English there. The hospital I went to was outside Vienna, far away from everything. All the time, doctors were showing up, taking me for examinations, to change my medication. Fortunately, it was just another hypoglycemic crisis, like the others.

Since they had already seen that I had had an appointment the day before but had not had an ultrasound, they decided to do one right away. That suspense, the cold gel in my belly. After watching for a while, the doctor put the device lower, close to my groin.

"Your princess is fine and healthy, don't worry," said the physician.

"Wait. A princess?"

"Sorry to interrupt, but there's someone who wants to see Victoria," a nurse opened the door.

"I don't need to see anyone, thanks," I replied

"Yes, it's a girl," the doctor resumed. "Congratulations!"

Wow, a girl.

"Do you think these complications of mine might interfere with the life of this... little human being?"

"You will have to be followed up more in the next 6 months. While a normal pregnant woman has to do 3 ultrasounds, you will have to do 6. From the exams we did, everything is fine. So, you can go home."

Minutes after I took a dose of medication and was given something to eat, I was allowed to leave the hospital. To go "home", a place that in recent months has changed depending on the countries I work in. I called an Uber, and in a matter of minutes, I had finally arrived at the hotel. As I was taking off my shirt, I noticed that someone had opened the door. From the footsteps, I knew who it was. It was Dam. I quickly covered my belly with a towel, and put my shirt back on.

"What the hell do you want?", I yelled.


"It's almost 4 in the morning. Leave me alone!"

" The same way I left you alone in the hospital?"

" I didn't ask anyone to go there anyway."

" Don't be an idiot. I know you're not well."

" It's obvious that I'm not well! Have you seen our agenda lately? That's too much Damiano, I can't do this."

"Have you been eating?"

"That's none of your business either."

"And the blood sugar, is it low? And your blood pressure? What did the doctor say?"

"Damiano, I don't need to tell you these things. Not anymore."

"Why are you like this lately? Don't tell me you can't deal with the fact that we had sex."

"Not at all. I just don't understand why you are so... worried. You've been treating us all as if we're idiots."

" Ah bene, let's look at the facts. You have tried to take your own life 2 times in 2 years, been hospitalized for a long time, acquired numerous complications, and are now constantly having hospital appointments and ending up hospitalized. What's going on Vic?

"I'm pregnant," I wanted to say that to him. But the words didn't come out.

"Please go away."

"I'm not leaving here until you tell me what's wrong."

"Damiano, please."

"Victoria... What's wrong?"


"Vic, I just want to help."

" I don't need your help," I shouted. Wow, I had said that.

"Really? Have you forgotten who took care of you when you couldn't even take a fucking shower? Who did you sit on your lap and put your head against your chest when you were not well? Who has canceled everything just to make sure you were okay? Okay. If you don't need me, I never needed you. By the way, our album comes out on February 17th. That's what I was coming to tell you, get well soon."

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