Chapter 40

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"I'm sorry you what?!" Sirius shouted making some students turn to look at the two boys, James glared at him while they tried to find an empty corridor or classroom. Luckily the bell had rung indicating that the next lesson had begun.

"James...what the actual fuck?! You're telling me that you smooshed lips with Cecilia Diggory! The one that we have been friends with since first year?! The one you SWORE you didn't like?! The one- the one-"

"Yes sorrows I am aware of who she is and I am aware of the fact I said I didn't like her but you know feelings can change or bubble up to the surface."

"So you're trying to tell me that you've had feelings for her and till have feelings but didn't actually say anything because you thought you were deeply in love with Lily and would therefore marry her?!"

"Pads you have went into more detailed yet summed it up perfectly." The two boys sat down against the wall, James let out a big sigh. "Am I wrong for what I did?"

"I think it's a bit shit you did it while she was in a relationship and is now going to go through shit because of it..." James rolled his eyes wondering when Sirius would have a posh Ive point about the situation. "However, I do think the two of you were destined to be together and no matter how many stupid jokes I made between me and her, I knew it bugged you because you fancied her."

James let out a quiet chuckle. "Plus I knew you had a fucking sexy dream about her the other night." After Sirius said that he felt pain in his lower stomach, he groaned as he was hit by James. "Sorry- shouldn't have said that." He said weakly.

"Where do you think she has gone, I really needed to speak to her."

"That prongs is a great question...which I do not have the answer to." He said as he stood up wiping himself before holding out his hand to help James up. "Come on me have muggle studies to get to."
Cecilia heard the bell ring for her lesson which made her groan. "What do you have now?"

"Muggle studies." Regulus also stood up from where he was sat. "What's wrong with muggle studies. Didn't know you hated muggles! I never thought you would be one of them!" He says sarcastically which makes Cecilia roll her eyes.

"Ha ha." She said dryly. "No I have to sit with James and it's going to be awkward and I might just sack it off."

"You can't because then he will know that you're avoiding him, which will then make things even more awkward." She nodded. "When did you get so clever."

She ruffled his hair making him shove her slightly. "Back away from the money maker." Regulus spoke while backing away from the Gryffindor girl. "Woah calm your shit, Jesus you and Sirius really are brothers."

She knew what she said could cause two reactions: happy or a more unpleasant reaction, it was like a little experiment she wanted to do. She glanced over at Regulus to see a small smile graze across his lips, internally Cecilia fist bumped the air but she kept composed.

"Well I'll be going now, see you next time Reggie."

"I've told you-" she cut him off by closing the door by slightly rushing towards muggle studies.
James kept looking at the empty chair besides him and then back at the door. He felt guilty for what he did, he knew that it would cause problems, his leg was bouncy up and down, nerves racking through his body.

"So today we will be looking at the function of a bus, in the muggle world this is how they transport muggles to wherever they want. It's basically like fluing but more expensive." The room was silent while the professor spoke. "Okay so it's-"

The door swing open revealing Cecilia. "Ms Diggory, would you like to explain why you're late to my lesson." Professor Night said as he stood against his desk with his arms folded. "I wasn't feeling well so I went to Madame Pomfrey."

"That doesn't explain why you are 15 minutes late to my lesson."

"Well it kind of does sir, I wasn't feeling the best so I left Professor Slughorn's lesson early and went to Madame Pomfrey and now I'm here. It is all pretty simple."

"Just sit down Miss Diggory. I will speak to you after the lesson." She held her two fingers to her head and gave the man a salute as she went to sit next to James, she placed her things on her desk and sighed. "Are you avoiding me?!" James questioned suddenly making Cecilia jump.

"No James, I'm not. I just wanted to speak to Jay before someone told him, then we can talk." She whispered back to him, he nodded looking away from the girl. Sirius watched this whole encounter and internally cringed, he hated seeing the two of them like this. Granted he found it hilarious and will take the shit out of them in a few months but at this moment in time he was scared for their friendship.

Cecilia ripped a piece of parchment, she made sure it made no noise.

Can I speak to you before dinner?- Cecilia

She folded the piece of paper and threw it towards Jay. Unluckily it hit some random Hufflepuff boy turned dramatically to glare at her. She held her middle finger to him and rolled her eyes, 'Pass it to Jay!' she mouthed pointing towards her boyfriend.

The Hufflepuff tapped Jay on the shoulder and gave him the note, he must have explained who it was from because Jay gave a confused look at Cecilia. He opened the note and read it, once he read it he nodded and gave her a thumbs up with a big cheesy grin on his face.

She gave him a small smile back knowing what she had to tell him, her stomach was not filled with the butterflies she wanted to feel , it was only nerves and she hated it. Her leg bounced up and down and her heart began to pick up at the thought of telling Jay what had happened.

James looked at his friend with a concerned look on his face as he could see her agitated, he placed his hand on her back and rubbed it slowly trying to calm her down. She kept her head down looking at desk trying to stay calm. She felt tears fill her eyes and she tired to blink them away.

She stood up abruptly making everyone look at her as she stormed out of the room. Sirius and James' head spun around to one another and the both scrambled up grabbing any of the stuff they could possible get. "Boys! Sit back down right now!"

To no ones surprise, they didn't listen to the Professor and rushed to catch up to their friend. "Cece wait!" Sirius shouted down the corridor, she stopped and turned around to he two friends. She had tears streaming down her face and she leant against the wall breathing heavily. She felt herself being enveloped in a hug and she breathed in a familiar sent. Sirius' cologne.

"It's okay, youre okay. Just breathe. Look follow me." He placed his hands on each of their shoulders and began to take deep breathes in and out trying to help her stop panicking. Soon enough she began to calm down but her tears were still falling down her cheeks. "What happened?"

"Did you tell him?" She looked towards James who nodded slightly. "I just was thinking about having to tell Jay about the kiss and then everyone eventually finding out and everyone judging me. I have to tell Jay but I cant do it, I cant hurt him." She slid down the wall.

Sirius got some form of deja vu seeing the girl slide down the wall. He yet again sat next to his friend and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, he's sighed before saying. "Look, it's a shitty situation, you're going to have to tell him. I know it's going to hurt him and it will hurt you too but you know we're all here for you. If he gives you any shit I'll beat him up."

She let out a breathy laugh. "I would send Remus, you wouldn't do shit."

"Brutal Cece, honestly." He held his hand to his heart and Cecilia leant her head on his shoulder and he placed his head on hers. "I'll go sort you out the whole Professor Night situation, see you later?"

"Yeah see you later Prongs."

"Bye James, thank you..." James gave her a small smile and turned around to leave.
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Most likely won't be any updates for about a week because I have exams coming up and then I go to see Harry Styles on Saturday!!!  I'm very excited lmao

But I am getting the coach to and from London so there will probs be a lot of updates coming afterwards :)

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