Chapter 22

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Lily and Marlene were furious with the boys, how could they not tell them that Cecilia was in the hospital wing. They both marched over to James and Sirius in the middle of muggle studies and Lily began hitting James with her text book. "How...could you not...tell me!" She said between hits. " fuck Lily!" James was putting his arms up in defence, his face was scrunched due to all the hitting. James eventually grabbed Lily's arms and lowered them and took the text book from her hands. "Okay, the reason I didn't tell you was because. You avoid me Lily! I was looking for you yesterday but every time I go near you, you walk the other way!"

Lily looked down feeling slightly guilty, she knew she wasn't always the nicest to James but he could do things that makes her want to scratch his eyes out. "I'm sorry." She whispered. James looked at Lily with a slightly confused expression, he had never seen this side of her before. She is usually his feisty redhead who always fought back at him and that is what he loved about her, but this was a new, vulnerable side of Lily that he actually liked to see.

"I'm sorry for a lot. I don't mean to come off as horrible, it's just- it's just you can be so annoying!" James chuckled at Lily, he scratched the back of his neck nodding. "Yeah, Cece tells me that often. Lily giggled at the glasses clad boy. "When is coming back  to class?"

"Tomorrow." Lily nodded in response starting to take notes as Professor Binns was talking. "Uhm Lily...I was wondering if you could help me make it up to Cece after, you know, the fight." He whispered, Lily smirked. "Yeah but I'm not doing all the work." She mumbled and James smiled.


After dinner, Lily and James were in the common room, it was just the two of them and they were sat in front of the fire with multiple pieces of parchment in front of them. "Okay so what does she like?" Lily said her head resting on her hand. "Aren't you her friend too?" Lily rolled her eyes at the boy. "Yes, James. I am, but I'm trying to see if you two have something special that you always enjoy together."

James thought about him and Cecilia, he thought about their friendship. One memory that really stuck out was in fourth year, the two of them had decided to try and sneak into the kitchens so they could have a sneaky midnight feat. However, instead of going back to the common room they headed to the Astronomy tower and sat there with chocolate and sweets and some fruit, they sat their for hours looking at the stars and talking about nothing.

"Do you want a chocolate strawberry?" Cecilia asked James who looked over at her with a confused look on his face. "A what?!"

"A chocolate strawberry?" She said with the chocolate strawberry in hand, she had a strange look on her face. "Don't tell me you have never had a chocolate strawberry before?!"

"Well, I'm going to disappoint but I have not." As he said that Cecilia shoved the strawberry in his face, she began to laugh at the scared look on his face. "Just try it! It's not poisonous!" James cautiously took the strawberry and bit it slowly, Cecilia watched with a grin on her face as his faced changed from cautious to shocked. "Merlin! This is amazing!"

"I cant believe your mum has never made them before!"

"Neither can I, I will have to write to her to tell her!" Cecilia giggled at the small boys reaction as he began to take more chocolate strawberries.

James was brought back from the memory when he could hear Lily repeating his name. He jumped slightly looking at the girl who had her head slightly to the side as she looked at him questioningly. "James? You okay? You kind of blanked out for a few minutes."

"Oh yeah-yeah, I know what I'm giving her..." He trailed off thinking he was leaving Lily ins suspense but she was just looking at him with a blank stare. "Chocolate strawberries, I'm making her some chocolate strawberries."

"Aw that's cute." They both were looking at one another, all they could hear was the crackling of the fire in the background. James' heart was beating faster by the minute, thoughts running through his head. All he could think was kiss her. He began to lean in and Lily did the same, they connected their lips and James brought his hand up to her face and deepened the kiss. Yet again, James felt no fire works, no passion. Nothing.

They broke apart and Lily looked down. "I better, get to bed. It's-It's getting late." Sh3 gathered her stuff and ran up the stairs leaving James alone yet again. His only thought was I have to tell Sirius. He ran to his dorm and jumped on Sirius' bed.

"Sirius, Sirius, Sirius!" He shook Sirius to try and wake him up. "James...go to sleep, ill see you tomorrow."

"Sirius...I kissed Lily bloody Evans." Sirius shot up nearly knocked James from his bed. "What the fuck!"

"Yeah! We were in the common room, she was helping me make it up to Cece for the fight and it got really quiet and I leaned in...and then we kissed."

"Holy shit James! You're finally getting somewhere!" Sirius exclaimed patting James in his shoulder, James looked down not saying anything and Sirius gave him a quizzical look. "James...what's up?"

"I just didn't feel anything, again. No fireworks, nothing." Sirius gave him a sad look. "Have you thought that maybe she isn't the one? I mean maybe get with a few other girls and see if you feel the same way with them. If you do then it's your problem." He laughed when he finished.

James laughed and rolled his eyes. "Maybe your right, I just- it's always been Lily. I don't anything else but Lily!"

"I know maybe but maybe she has clouded your judgement."

"Since when did you get so wise in the old love department?" Sirius put his hands behind his head and shrugged. "Please, I've always been this good."

"So how are you and Remus?" James smirked at the boy began to cough repeatedly. "Me and Remus?! Please- no- James, I don't like men." He stammered out. "Hmmm sure, but just to let you know that Cecilia is very suspicious." He smirked as he got off Sirius bed and made his way to his own.

"James?" James hummed at the boy. "Maybe Cecilia is really 'your Lily'." James spent the night thinking about what Sirius had said, he didn't really understand what he meant. Cecilia and him were good friends, that's all. That's all, it was Lily he wanted.

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