Chapter 41

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The day was over and the five friends had all gone for dinner, it made Cecilia think about when they were younger. In the second year the friends would laugh and joke the whole way through the dinner, wouldn't have a care in the world, all they had was each other.

Cecilia felt like that tonight, except she did have the worry. She had to speak to James and Jay...she realised it may be better to just avoid them both and move country. She had had finished eating so she stood up, causing all five boys to turn and look at her.

"Merlin! I am going to the toilet! Would you like me to stand up on the table and announce to everyone where I'm going?" She said a hint of playfulness lacing through her voice. They all just went back to talking as she walked out of the hall, she walked the long way around, she didn't actually need the toilet she was just mentally preparing herself for the talks.

She got to her room and rooted through her case to find her trusty pack of cigarettes, again, the lads didn't know about this little 'bad habit' because she knew they would be big hypocrites about it and she can't deal with that at this moment in time.

Roughly 20 minutes after she got to her dorm she could hear commotion down stairs indicating that everyone was coming back from dinner.

This was it.

This could be the beltway of a lot of things, her relationship, James face, Jays heart, James arm. In reality James is most likely going to be injured. She took a deep breath in and slowly released the breath through her nostrils. "I can do this, I'll be fine, it's a break up, I can surely do that. If I can deal with my mother...well I can face anything."

She saw the girls on her way to Jays dorm, they all wiggled their eyebrows clearly not getting the same vibes that Cecilia was having at this moment in time. She took her another deep breath in and knocked on the door.

The door opened to reveal McLaggen, Cecilia mentally rolled her eyes. 'yay another fucking I sticks to remove' she thought to herself.

"McLaggen, is Jay here."


"Mate I'm literally only here calm the fuck down...babe! I missed you." He embraced her and she rested her head on his shoulder squeezing here eyes shut. "Yeah...we need to talk. Alone."

He gave her a quizzical look and she gave him a pleasing one back, she needed them to leave. She couldn't deal with the guilt eating her up. "Please." She said but only he could hear her. He nodded.

"Right lads out. Cece and I need to talk."

"Oh yeah talk." McLaggen winked. "Yeah McLaggen. Talk, now fuck off." Jay smirked as he watched his girlfriend bicker with the other boy before he ran out the room giggling like a school girl. "That boy is going to be the death of me...what?" She said as she turned to face the still smirking boy.

"You're cute when you get all angry and feisty."

"Please, that's not feisty." She said with a small laugh, but her face dropped within seconds. "I think you should sit down, it's a bit serious." Jay yet again confused by the situation slowly took a seat on his bed and looked at the girl.

She was scratching at her scars through her jumper and was mumbling things to herself, she looked like a mad woman but right now she couldn't care less. "C please tell me what's going on I'm a bit concerned."

"James kissed me!" She blurted slapping her hand over her mouth with her eyes wide. Silence filled to room, Jay blinked a few times before looking at her. "What?"

"Yep, James laid one on me, snogged, French kissed, tongue fucked, whatever you like to call it...okay maybe tongue fucked wasn't the best but you get the idea..." she felt as if she had be talking for hours, she was staring at Jay waiting for him to respond, with anything really. Cecilia didn't care if he was angry or started crying, he deserved to be upset.

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