Chapter 23

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A few days later, it was Sirius' birthday. They were all in the Great Hall having Dinner. "Cecilia Diggory, I would like to formally invite you to my birthday party, this Saturday." She looked up at Sirius with an annoyed look. "I organised this whole thing, you prick."

"I know, but it was bold of you to assume that I was inviting you." He smirked as Cecilia picked up a roast potato off of her palte anf flung it at Sirius, he dodged it and it hit some poor 3rd year, Cecilai shoited sotty and the boy smiled nodding his head. Her face was turning red feeling extremely guilty. "Sooo when am I getting my gifts."

"At this rate you're not getting mine!"

"Ohhh someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

"Fuck off Sirius, I'm not in the mood, Lily has been avoiding me since I got out of the hospital wing!" She said and James looked at his food, he felt guilty, if he hadn't had kissed Lily there wouldn't be this awkwardness between the two friends. "Don't worry Cece, she'll be at Sirius' party on Saturday, just talk to her then." Cecilia nodded at Remus' suggestion. "Are you two ready for quidditch?" James asked.

"Yeah! Let me go get Marls and Dorcas." Cecilia walked further down the table to the girls, Marlene, Dorcas, Lily and Alice were all talking and Cecilia cautiously walked towards the group. They all began to quieten down as she approached which made her feel really self conscious. "Marls? Dorcas? The lads and I are heading down to the quidditch pitch, if you wanted to join us."

"Oh we would but I still need to finish eating but we'll be right behind you!" Marlene said with a smile, Cecilia looked at her plate to see that it was empty and glanced to Dorcas' plate which was empty too. She gave them a smile and nodded, she walked back to James and Sirius and shook her head with a sad look.

This was when James felt extremely bad, he didn't realise kissing Lily would lead to Cecilia kind of being isolated from her other friends, the three of them headed to their changing rooms and Cecilia was getting her boots on as Marlene and Dorcas both came in laughing. Marlene turned to Cecilia. "Hey honey, how are you?"

"I'm good, how are you two?"

"I mean, we both hate late night training but there's nothing we can do about that." Dorcas joked and the three girls began to laugh and Cecilia decided to ask them a question. "Do you guys know why Lily has kind of being avoiding me?"

"I think that's something you ned to ask her yourself."

"I would if she didn't leave the room every time I walk in, Marls! I feel like James!" Dorcas chuckled and nodded. "Personally, I think that she's overreacting but she doesn't like to listen to anyone else." Cecilia nodded and gathered her broom before she left. "Oh and just to let you know, your are all invited to Sirius birthday party on Saturday."

"Oh, when's his birthday?" Dorcas asked. "Today but with having lessons tomorrow I thought having the party Saturady would be better. Also, I won't be in our dorm tonight, I'm staying woth the lads we're having our own little party tonight for him."

"I'm assuming you planned this?"

"Of course, apart from Remus, I wouldn't trust any of them to plan a partyu! Sometimes I cant even trust Remus!" Marlene laughed and put her own boots on. "Well, I'll get going. Wood probably thinks I cant get changed for how long I've been in here! Oh and tell Lily about Saturday!" She shouted as she left and ran onto the field joining James and Sirius.

"Where were you?! wood was interrogating us?!" Sirius whisper shouted at Cecilia, she looked at him and whispered back. "Sorry, I was talking to Marlene and Dorcas about Lily and also about the party Saturday night."

"Who said they could come?" He jocked but Cecilia rolled her eyes. "Me! I planned it, I can decide who goes."

"Okay feisty pants, so when am I getting my presents?"

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