Chapter 8

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A month had passed and it was finally October, which meant one thing, a full moon was approaching. They all knew that Remus' mood would be low but they made sure that he kept his mind off of it. Gryffindor were finally ready for their first quidditch game against Slytherin, they were all sat at breakfast talking about what lessons they had that day. "James? Do you think Dumbledore will let my dad come to my first quidditch game?" James nodded his head, his mouth full of cereal. "I'm sure he would...he let my Dad came to my first game."

"I'll owl my Dad tonight so he can then owl Dumbledore asking because I don't particularly want to talk to Dumbledore." Sirius smiled at her. "You scared to talk to him?" He said in a playful voice. "What- what- no! I- yes." She stuttered out accepting defeat. All of her friends burst out laughing. "What he's always like..." She coughs and then begins to change her voice to sound like him. "With great power come great responsibility." She said laughing with the boys and her friends began to quiet down and Cecilia was still laughing. She stopped laughing when she realised and looked at them. "What?"

"I hope that wasn't supposed to be me. Miss Diggory." Cecilia's face dropped and her eyes widened, she slowly turned around to see Dumbledore. "S-sorry Sir, that was-"

"Just some harmless fun. Did you need me for anything?"

"Oh no, no Sir. I am fine, thank you." She said smiling. "Actually Sir-" Remus began and Cecilia punched him in the side and she groaned. "She wanted to ask you if she can invite her father to her first quidditch game." He wheezed out. "Well Miss Diggory as it is your first game and it is against your rival I think I could make an exception." She beamed and hugged him. While she was gigging him she realised what was happening, she backed away and turned bright red. "I'm sorry just a spare of the moment type thing but thank you! I'm going to owl him right now." She shouted as she ran our of the hall, all of her friends watched their friend sprint off bumping into multiple people on the way. Sirius smiled watching her leave. "Oh to be young and energetic again, make sure she's stays like that for as long as possible. Dumbledore said as he walked away from the boys. "That was..." Peter began. "Deep." They all finished.


Cecilia ran up the stairs getting to the portrait infrom of the Gryffindor common room. "Red wolf." She n she stopped at the top of the stairs. The painting opened and she started ti run again. She got to her dorm and searched h=for her spare parchment, she grabbed it and began to write her letter.

Dear Dad,

You will be glad to know that one of you children made it onto the quidditch team! You are officially father of Gryffindor's new seeker! I have spoken to Dumbldore and he said that you will be ablr to come to our game on Saturday. Hope you and mum are doing well, I assume Mum will be able to come too but she isn't that interested in quidditch so I doubt she will wat to come.

See you soon, lots of love


(Clearly the better child)


She smiled at the letter as she folded it and gave it to her owl, Ophelia. She looked at her watch to see she was late for transfiguration, McGonagall is going to kill me! she thought to herself. She sprinted down the stairs and towards the classroom mumbling 'shit' repeatedly do herself. She reached she class room, composed herself and walked in. the whole of the class turned to look at the girl and she could feel her cheeks turning red. "Miss Diggory, good to know you know where the class room his." McGonagall turned to face her and a few people in the class began to giggle at her expense. "Sorry Professor I- I lost track of time." Her face was a deep shade of red now. "I will allow it this once, please take your seat next to Mr Potter." She nodded rapidly and hurried to her seat.

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