Chapter 39

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Cecilia was currently in her potions lesson, she kept zoning out. She lay her head against the palm of her hand while she stared blankly inot the distance. She was pulled out of her trance when she felt something hit her arm, she looked on the table to see a folded piece of paper. She opened it and it read.

You okay? You seem a bit off- Jay x

Cecilias stomach turned, not in a good way either, she looked up from the note and looked for jays seat in the class. When their eyes met she gave him a soft smile and nodded her head. Jay wasn't entirely convinced, he had never seen her in a lesson not taking notes and today she hadn't taken a single one. She hadn't even opened her text book.

James watched the encounter from the corner of his eye, a part of him felt slightly jealous, he didn't really know what he was feeling at this point in time. He was simply confused. "Mate, you have not flirted once with Evans this lesson...are you okay? I can see her giving you the eye and you have not even reacted. Are you sick? Do we need to go to see Madame Pomfrey? Have you fell out of love with Evans?!" Sirius whispered over to him.

James rolled his eyes with a slight blush on his cheeks. "Why-why would you think I have fallen out of love with Lily? I'm playing hard to get now." He winked at Sirius who began to smirk at the boy. However, that was not what James was doing, James was torn between the two girls who sat at the head of their table.

His eyes wandered towards the two Gryffindor's and he saw that Cecilia was missing from her seat. He nudged Sirius and directed his view towards the empty chair. "If you're looking for Cece she's just gone. She said she didn't feel great so Slughorn sent her to Madame Pomfrey." Lily whispered over to the two boys.

"Thanks my Lily flower." Lily rolled her eyes at James who had his famous smirk plastered across his face but this time she looked down at her notes as blush began to creep onto her cheeks.


Cecilia was not feeling sick, or went to Madame Pomfrey she went to the person she know would listen and not judge. Regulus Black.

She had hoped he would be in the classroom that they usually meet in and to her luck he was. As the younger boy heard the door knob move, his head snapped towards the opening door, seeing Cecilia Diggory looking rather dishevelled and stressed.

"You look like shit."

"Thanks." The boys smiled and patted the seat next to him, Cecilia's quickly sat down and pulled her legs up to her chest. " going to tell me what's going on in that mind of yours."

"James kissed me!" She blurted, slapping her hand over her mouth. Regulus' eyes went wide at the girl before he broke out into a fit of laughter. Cecilia looked at the boy with a confused look on her face.

"What?!" She questioned hut Regulus just kept laughing, whacking his knees every so often. She repeated herself a few times before he calmed down. "I knew it was going to happen at some point! Everyone knows! I'm surprised your boyfriend doesn't know! Have you told him?! Holy shit Cecilia this is the best thing I've been apart of in years!"

Cecilia shot him a glare. "I mean- I have no friends, very little drama, and a shitty family...I'M LOVING THIS!" She laughed at him, Cecilia had always felt sorry for the boy, she knew a lot about his family and how they were treated.

"Reggie what do I do?! It was Jay's idea to talk to James...but I wasn't planning on sharing a kiss with my best friend." She held her hands to her head pacing around the room.

"You're going to have to tell Jay. It's the right thing to do, whether it hurts him or not. It will hurt further down the line if you keep it in." She nodded looking at her hands. "You know I never thought I would be in this position...Sirius, yeah I could see it but myself. No way."

Regulus chuckled at the girl. "What do you mean exactly. I don't think anyone actually plans to be in this position."

"I mean I never assumed that I would be in a relationship let alone be in a relationship and kiss someone else!" She exclaimed, Regulus wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her slightly closer. "Welcome to the real world Cecilia, full of disappointment, regret and misery."

"How fun." She replied sarcastically. "Isn't it just!" They both laughed and Cecilia pulled out her notes and began to look over her potions work.
Sirius and James stormed their way through the Hogwarts corridors to the hospital wing, the doors swung open and Madame Pomfrey spun around, holding some form of healing potion.

"Oh boys! Are you okay? Is Mr Lupin okay?"

"Actually Madame, we were looking for Cecilia. She wasn't feeling well so she came here."

"Oh no dear she hasn't came by...are you sure she hasn't gone back to her dorm. I know sometimes people don't like to come here if it's a minor issue." The two boys looked at one another then back at the nurse.

"Thank you Miss! Hope you have a wonderful day!" Sirius said before he left. The older woman chuckled at the boy, all the years she had been at Hogwarts her love for the Marauders was unconditional, she admired how they all looked after one another.

"What happened between you two?" Sirius said while they walked towards the tower. "What do you mean Pads?"

"Well, Cecilia was being awfully affectionate this morning which only means she is hiding something. You've been in a pissy mood and didn't flirt with Evans once! So I'll ask again. What the fuck happened James?!"

James sighed j using something on the ground. He stopped and leant against the wall. "I messed up. Like really messed up."

"On a scale of 1-10?"


"Shit mate, what happened?"

"I kissed Cecilia."

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