Chapter 13

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Cecilia made her way to her own dorm as she had promised Lily to help pick out an outfit for her date. As soon as she entered the room she could see Lily's whole wardrobe had been thrown around the room, she laughed at Lily as she was pacing up and down the room her head in her hands. "Okay!" Cecilia clapped. "Right Lily , how are you feeling?"

"Bloody shit!"

"No I mean what do you feel like wearing?"

"Oh I don't know, I guess something a bit warmer since its autumn now." Marlene just sat on her bed surrounded by clothes eating some liquorice wands. Cecilia smiled as she figured out what Lily could wear. "Right, okay! I knave this nice grey turtle neck jumper thing and I am thinking flared jeans or blue ones." She trailed off as she thought about what to do, her hand subconsciously made its way to her chin as she pondered what to do. "Black, it goes with everything." Marlene said, her mouth full of sweets. Cecilia clicked at Marleen and pointed. "Marls, I love you!"

Cecilia rooted through her things and found her grey turtle neck and Lily had picked out her jeans. Marlene did her hair and Lily was going her won make up as Cecilia began to tidy some of the clothes away. "Thank you both so much for this." Lily mumbled as she was focused on her mascara. "Don't be silly, I know you would do it for either of us." She stood up with a pile of Lily's clothes in her hand and cocked her head to the side to try and see Lily in the mirror. She smiled at the red head, she looked beautiful. Lily had always been naturally pretty, Cecilia was always jealous of her freckles. "You look wonderful Lils." Marlene said, Cecilia nodded. "Ugh Merlin I feel like your mother on your wedding day!"

All the girls began to laugh, as Lily stood up from her desk which had a small mirror on and her make up surrounding it. She walked over to her two friends and embraced them in a hug. "No, I mean it. Thank you so much."

"Oh Lily, before you go I should probably tell you that I told James about your date" Lily looked like she was going to kill Cecilia. "It was only because he was planning a grand gesture and I dint want you or him to feel embarrassed but then again you both did kiss so I mean he could have." Lily blushed furiously. "Did you enjoy it?" Marlene questioned. "I don't know, I think if I actually liked him it would be different."

The two girls nodded at Lily. "I haven't heard James really talk about it considering he kissed, and I quote 'the love of his life'. I think he felt a little guilty since you had said that you didn't want to." Lily looked down feeling slightly guilty herself. "Tell him not to feel bad, it's not like he just laid one on me, he was going to spin again but I told him not to. But also say not to get any ideas!" She chuckled as she finished the sentence. Cecilia looked at her gratefully and said. "Thank you Lily, now you better hurry or you're going to be late."

"But fashionably late so it doesn't could." Marlene said as they began to walk to the front of the castle. Cecilia and Marlene stopped walking with Lily as Niall came into view so he didn't think they were dropping him off. They all hugged and Lily walked towards Niall and he gave her a white rose and they linked on another before heading to Hogsmeade.

Cecilia looked at the couple. "oh to be in love, or just have a date!" Cecilia exclaimed and Marlene laughed. "You and me, both."

"What are you doing for the rest of the day?"

"Uhm probably hang out with Dorcas, maybe play some quidditch...just nothing really."

"Well I'll be with the lads if you two wanted to join us."

"We might but I doubt it, I don't think I could handle an afternoon with Sirius." Cecilia giggled. "Most people can't. You and Dorcas seem...close." Marlene began to blush slightly and Cecilia stopped which caused Marlene to stop further ahead of her and she turned to face the brunette. "Marlene! Do you need to tell me something?!"

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