Chapter 14

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James had been watching Lily on her date for most of the time him and his friends had been at the Three Broomsticks. "James, stop staring its creepy, you wouldn't want one of us to be staring you down while you were on a date." Cecilia said taking a sip of her third butterbeer, James rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to his friends. "So tonight we are going to try and conjure our patronus'." James asked trying to move is attention away from Lily and the Ravenclaw boy. His friends nodded. "Although Remus doesn't technically have to conjure his as he will not need to turn into an animagus." Peter added and they all turned to look at the boy.

"You have a good point Pete. However, I think it would be nice if Rem would conjure his patronus with us." Cecilia explained looking over to the sandy haired boy, who had given her s small smile before looking down at his hands. Cecilia's eyes mindlessly wandered over to the table Lily was sat on to see her snogging Niall, she gasped slightly and everyone looked at her. "What's up, lovely?"

She panicked not wanting anyone to see what she was witnessing. "Oh-oh I just remembered I have herbology homework due for Monday!" She practically shouted. "What do we?!" Remus questioned looking slightly stressed. Cecilia forced a fake smile and turn to Remus and through gritted teeth said. "Yes, yes we do." James watched Cece begin to panic when she seen Lily kissing the Ravenclaw, James had witnessed it and was heartbroken, he felt like all the effort he had put into Lily liking him was a waste. He felt like she would never really care for him, that she would never love him the way he loved her. He felt so exhausted about the whole thing. A small smile crept onto his lips as Cecilia was still trying to tell Remus that they definitely and Herbology homework.

"Cece...I know, I saw and I am going to step outside for a minute." James said quietly but the table could here, Cecilia glanced a James, she could see the pain in his face and she looked at him with a sad expression. The rest of the lads watched James leave and turned to Cecilia for answers. "James saw Lily kissing Niall." They replied with a chorus of 'Oh's' and she nodded. "So we don't have Herbology?" Cecilia shook her head 'no' and told them she was going to see how James was.

Cecilia opened the door of the Three Broomsticks and was welcomed with the autumn air, she wrapped her coat around herself a little tighter and found the dark haired boy wondering the bare street of Hogsmeade. "You're going to catch a cold out here and your mother will murder me if I let you be ill!" Cecilia shouted to James she let out a light chuckled and looked at the girl, kicking a few leaves.

"Come on James, I know you love Lily but maybe it is time to move o. Try something new!" Cecilia said as she stood next to James both of their backs against the wall. "Its not that easy Cece, seeing her in there felt like a hundred knives to the gut- the heart even! I just want to know what he has that I don't?! I mean look at me...I'm handsome, can be smart, loyal, all these things and she just doesn't seem to care." He placed his head back against the wall looking at the sky.

"I think sometimes things aren't supposed to happen, maybe you and Lily are not meant to be with one another. I like to think that there is someone out there for everyone, maybe we know them, maybe we don't. But that's the fun part. Finding out!" She says trying to make James feel better. He looks down slightly at the girl and smiles. "This is why you are my best friend, you always know what to say!"

"That's what I'm here to do, do you want to head back to the castle. I can go get the rest of them and we can head back?" James nodded still standing against the wall watching Cecilia  jog slightly to the pub and thought about what she had said. Had he really spent the last six years of his life in love with some girl when the person he truly loves could be somewhere else in the world? What if Lily was his soulmate but he just had to keep trying. He was very confused about the whole thing and was pulled from his thoughts when he heard his friends talking about something.

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