Chapter 27

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It was finally Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw match day. It had seemed to become a tradition that Cecilia, James, Sirius, Dorcas and Marlene got so hyped up before a match or practice that they would leave before finishing or even start their meal.

Every time they did it Remus would go into full dad mode, he would begin to take lots of pastries and fruit to give them all after their match, he knew they were all internally screaming about this match, Ravenclaw were an extremely tactical team, they thought our every single thing. Not that the other teams didn't but the detail they goin to is insane.

Cecilia still hadn't said yes to Jay yet, she wanted to wait till right after the game had finished to say yes. It was Marlene's idea, although Cecilia wanted to say yes on Wednesday.

The stands began to fill with all the students and teachers and Cecilia's stomach dropped again, she knew that the feeling would go away the more she played but it was her second game and she felt like she hand to live up to what she did last time. Before the Gryffindor team were announced to go into the pitch, she had knelt down to tie her shoes for a third time.

It was something she had gotten from her father, whenever there was an important meeting or a promotion in the ministry for a week before the event her father would tie his shoes three times. He did it twice for security and a third time for luck, he swore by it, he believed that if you did it, it would all work out. He did it before her and Amos were born, he wanted to make sure they were both healthy so when his wife went into labour he had made sure they were knotted three times.

When his wife went into labour with Cecilia, he tied Amos' shoes three times for even more luck, he didn't want to take any chances. Cecilia want sure if Amos had picked the little quirk up too but she smiled as she stood upright again. James nudged her and nodded to her feet.

"Cece, if you tie your shoe again you're going to loose circulation." She laughed. "It's my good luck charm."

"What? The threat of an amputation?!" She rolled her eyes and shoved him playfully and with that the team were announced by the Prewett twins. She flew to her post I took to be faced with Ravenclaw's new seeker. He looked like he was in 5th year, she had no idea who he was, usually she would put on this persona like she did with Regulus, seem like she's this hard shelled bitch. Which some would consider true. However, this time she couldn't be bothered.

The snitch was released and the whistle was blown, Cecilia had already spotted the snitch and went straight forward, she tried to dodge the other players on the pitch as she tried to reach the small, golden sphere.

She could hear people shouting at someone to move, she looked over her shoulder to see the small Ravenclaw seeker still in the same position she had left him. Their captain called a time out and both teams split off into their groups.

"Diggory what the bloody hell did you say to the lad?!" Wood exclaimed looking at Cecilia, a ghost smile covered his lips. "I didn't say anything, didn't even try and psych him out! I didn't know he had froze until I heard yelling!" She said defensively, she felt a hand place itself on her back and looked to the side of her to see Jay, he gave her a nod. "Well, be prepared for who they bring our next. I think it's their seeker from last year and from what I can remember she's fucking ruthless."

Cecilia have a smile nod to Wood, she remembered Sofia Underwood from last year. She had been on the team since 3rd year, which is unusual for most Hogwarts students as they don't normally make the team to at least 4th or 5th year. Many have said she is one of the best Hogwarts seekers that has been at Hogwarts in the past 50 years. Of course Cecilia was shitting herself now.

She shook her hands before they made their way back onto the pitch, they got back into their original spaces and she faced the older Ravenclaw. Sofia narrowed her eyes at Cecilia, Cecilia looked her up and down and smirked. As the snitch was released again and she winked at Sofia.

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