The Orb of Prophecy

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I felt bad for the last one taking so long, so here's the next one sooner than expected. Enjoy . . . or not


TW heavy themes of violence

"Very good, Potter." Lucius Malfoy smiled, "Now nice and slowly, give the orb to me."

#) Where's Sirius? (#

"To me, Potter," repeated Lucius Malfoy as he held out his hand, palm up.

#) Where's Sirius? (# Hari asked again, directing the question at the presence in her mind as well.

Another death eater pulled off her mask, Bellatrix Lestrange laughed at her, "Did Ickle Baby Potter really think it would be that easy."

"Bellatrix! Be quiet!" Lucius Malfoy commanded, "You have to give us the prophecy first Potter"

#) I want to know where Sirius is! (#

"I want to know where Sirius is!" Bellatrix mocked, "don't worry you'll get my useless cousin back once you fulfil our Lord's wishes."

#) I need to know Sirius is safe (# said Hari, panic causing her chest to constrict till she felt as though she could not breathe properly.

"You think you have any bargaining power here Potter?" Malfoy sneered, "You're surrounded and we have your godfather."

#) But (#

"Hand over the prophecy and no one need get hurt any more," said Malfoy coolly.

#) Yeah, right, (# she said. #) I give you this - prophecy, is it? And you'll just let me and Sirius skip off home, will you? (#

The image of Sirius flashed across her mind again, he was screaming.

#) Stop! Please stop! (# Hari yelled, more to the presence in her mind than the people in front of her.

She held the sphere out limply ahead of her, ready to drop it into Lucius' hand.

A spell flashed and a barrier appeared between her and Lucius Malfoy. She glanced in the direction that it had come from, Sirius was standing in the doorway. He was alive, he was holding a wand. Hari took one last glance at the death eaters in front of her, then sprinted towards her godfather.

She slammed the door behind them and saw Sirius lock it. They ran through the shelves. "There's antiapperition wards in here. We need to find Ron and get out of here."

They knelt behind a shelf, #) Ron's here? (# she asked.

Sirius nodded, "What the hell were you thinking? Meeting death eaters at the ministry of magic to save me!? If Ron hadn't followed you,found me and told me what you told Snape you'd be dead!!! That was so STUPID Hari, I thought you were smarter than that!!!!"

He looked so angry, Hari couldn't stop herself from crying, #) Im sorry Padfoot, Im so sorry. Voldemort was in my head, he was - (# she swallowed, wiping her face #) He was showing me him torturing you, you were gonna die, I had to stop him- I needed to- (#

"Hey, hey it's ok..." Sirius said quickly, "It's ok, you're safe now, you're safe...." He took off his dark red Auror's cloak, wrapping it around her, "And look, I'm not dead, im perfectly fine."

She sniffed, hugging him. His cloak was very heavy, "It's alright Prongslete, it's alright."

He pushed her away from her, holding her gently on the shoulders. "The order is on its way to catch the death eaters but we need to find your friend and get out of here. Do your best to stay alert and keep close to me, that cloak should protect you from most curses."

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