Befuddlement draughts

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I feel kinda mean for taking so long to update the last chapter so here's this one early, enjoy..... or not.....

Mwa ha ha

[Draco's POV]

If Draco was expecting anything on a random Thursday morning, the day before that of the full moon, it was not to be randomly pulled past a tapestry through what he had previously thought to be a solid wall.

Taken by surprise, his wand was out and against his assailant's throat before he had even stopped moving, red tie, a Gryffindor. Draco raised his eyes to see one of the Weasley twins, he didn't know which.

The twin raised his hands in surrender, laughing, "I mean I deserve to be cursed, but I'd rather not be thanks."

"What do you want, Weasley?" Draco frowned. This was not how he wanted his day to go, he had a massive headache and just wanted to sleep, but no, he had classes.

"Just wanted to talk to you for a sec." This was definitely Hari's stupid boyfriend, the other one would have cursed him by now.

Draco sighed, peeking his head out from behind the tapestry, Crabbe and Goyle were still walking, they even hadn't realized he'd disappeared.... they were complete idiots, he wasn't even sure why he kept them around at this point.

The small hallway behind the tapestry was musty, it made his nose hurt, especially this close to the moon.

"Fine, what did you want to talk to me about?" He asked, resigned to his fate.

"Hari, Weasley answered.

"Wow, really...? Who would have thunk?"

Weasley raised an eyebrow, "huh?"

"I mean and here I thought we actually had other stuff in common," Draco said mockingly

"We do? I mean like quidditch and stuff."

"Sure, despite the fact that I'm way better than you and your cheap broom at it."

"We beat you every time."

"That doesn't mean you're better than me, it just means Hari is an incredible flier and I could never hope to beat her." 

She always looked so beautiful, powerful, hair streaming behind her as she dove after the snitch and raised her fist, grinning around the pitch with the small ball grasped- he blinked, and stopped thinking about how gracefully she flew, concentrating back on the irritating presence in front of him.

Weasley had an odd expression on his face, but then plastered his stupid grin onto his face again, "We still always beat you though."

"Whatever, just get on with whatever you wanted to say." Draco said, "You're annoying and I don't want to be late to class."

"Fine, fine," Weasley said, "Hari keeps disappearing for a few hours, I've asked her other friends but they assumed she was with me, is she with you?"

"I haven't seen her in a while, I just assumed she was at your defence against the dark arts group lesson things."

"Yes, I know about those..." He frowned as Weasley looked surprised.  "If you're looking for her, I'd start in the Chamber of Secrets, she spends more time down there than you'd think, researching. There's a lot of knowledge there that was lost over the centuries, I've seen it, she showed me. Though if she hasn't invited you, leave her alone."

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