Chapter 18 - Range

Start from the beginning

He just nods, and walks me over to the range. Enzo grabs a gun off the shelf for me. I notice that he grabs one of the smallest ones. I feel offended, but appreciative at the same time.

"Now Gianni I know you already know how to handle a gun, but let's go through it anyways."

Enzo goes through the steps of how the gun works, and how to hold it. I plant my feet, and I aim at the target.

"Wait a second." He says as I'm about to shoot.

Enzo steps behind me. I hold the gun with both hands, and he wraps his arms around me. He places his hands over mine holding the gun with me.

I feel his breath on my neck, and it makes my body tingle from my chest to the bottom of my toes. The frustration of him not letting me cum comes rushing back as my ass is presses against him.

"Aim like this, and relax your shoulders a little more." He whispers into my ear, moving the gun over slightly. To be honest I'm barely paying attention to anything he's saying.

"Are you even listening to me?" He whispers again.

"I can't really focus when you're pressed against me like this Enzo."

He chuckles in my ear making my entire body go warm. I go back cold as soon as he backs up, no longer touching me.

"That better?" He asks.

"No." I say, and he smiles.

I make sure my feet are planted before I squeeze the trigger. The bullet flies straight through the middle of the target where the heart would be. I aim the gun up a little higher, aiming for the brain of the target. I squeeze the trigger once again, and the bullet goes exactly where I want it to.

I look over to see Enzo with a proud smile on his face, and everyone else at the range looks at me as well. Enzo takes the gun from me.

"You obviously don't need help in that department, so let's move on to combat." He says.

"Whatever you say sir." I go to walk away, but Enzo grab my hips, turning me around. I feel his breath on my lips leaving a longing for him to connect his lips with mine.

"Don't tease me. Understood?" His eyes have a hint of playfulness within them, but his voice is hard as a rock.

Almost everyone in the gun range has turned to look at us. I just nod, and Enzo let's go of me.

"Tease me again, and you get another punishment. You already know what I said about that." He says walking ahead of me.

As much as I enjoy the spankings, him not letting me finish has taught me a lesson, and I don't need another one.

Once we reach the gym where we see people sparring we stop. I watch a man, and a woman fight in the center of the room.

Everyone gasps in sympathy when the woman hits the man in his balls with her fist, and then takes his head smashing it into her knee. The man falls to the ground, wailing in pain.

"Maybe next time he'll do better." Enzo says.

Everyone turns to look at him acknowledging their boss before going back to what they were doing.

"Who am I sparring with?" I ask.

I'm honestly a little nervous to spar with anyone. I did have some lessons, but I'm nowhere near as good as Enzo's soldiers. Even the newbies. Yeah that girl from earlier would have definitely beat my ass. At least I know.

"Me." He says.

"Everyone leave." He says before I can reply to his previous statement.

At his command everyone immediately leaves the room. The man that got hit walks out of the room holding his crotch.

Once everyone is out of the room Enzo turns to me, and he takes his shirt off.

"I like where this is going." I say letting my eyes roam over his defined body. 

He just smiles before stepping on the mat in the middle of the floor. He cocks his head signaling for me to join him.

I step on the mat, and Enzo immediately twists my arms flipping me onto the ground.

"What the fuck Enzo!" I say trying to get up. He helps me up.

"I'm not going to take it easy on you Gi."

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