11 Kotching

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Chapter 11

Alkaline's pov

After Adajay finished washing and eating, I told Righteous to walk her and his woman home. I was feeling deeply stressed and I wanted to catch some sleep so I could stay up a while the day was tiring having to stay hidden inside the car and at the far back to the fence for the whole day. The work men did a good job and it was extremely tiring to pack the things inside the store room after they left and set up one side where we could sleep.

I'd rather stay here than chance it in any hotel, I showered outside at the back and hope I wouldn't need to shit in the bucket like Quefer had to and then throw it down into the pit. I sighed heavily thinking look what I've came down to, I know I could live a much better life but the risk of getting caught was too high and I did not wish to set foot inside a jailhouse much less prison.

I went inside feeling the discomfort of my surroundings and saw Quefer plugging in the large flat screen he had attached to the board. I got on a shorts and a merina and lie down on the bed, I sent a wattsapp text to Adajay and then tried to get comfortable. I awoke to a cock crowing somewhere and the early rays of day break shining through the zinc top.

"This is my reality, help mi to stand firm Fada God," I whispered.

When I went outside I was surprised to find the tarpaulin fixed and hung how Righteous had said he would do it. It blocked off the whole view to the front and only the opening was left to the back. Righteous was lying on his back with his glock held in his hand on his belly and Quefer on his belly on some kind of makeshift bed. I knew they both didn't sleep dead, so I said, "morning."

"Morning," Righteous said without opening his eyes.

I went to piss farting and felt like I wanted to relieve myself, I sighed feeling miserable and went to where Quefer had the shit bucket covered. "Mi rass," I said laughing.

There was a roll of tissue and Adajay's tarpaulin fashioned to pull down, a bottle of hand soap and one of the big spring water bottles with the pipe at the bottom. I thought it hard to touch the bucket but shit was at my ass so I dropped the tarpaulin and opened the bucket. A wave of bleach sent hit my nostrils and I had to turn away my face.

After doing my business and stopping my breath as I hurried to dispose of it, my stomach felt upset to have to wash it out. Next time I'm doing it in a bag so I could just drop it in there I thought while soaping and washing my hands three times.

Righteous was on his phone when I went back inside and Quefer was nowhere to be seen, I went to brush my teeth and wash my face. The whole process was abnormal and a way of life I don't want to get used to, I wanted a nice bathroom and a big comfortable bedroom and house. I sighed as I walked around the premises, basking in the freedom before the workman and his workers came.

A glint caught my eyes and I look in the direction, I just barely made out one of the solar panel being carried inside. I stood and watched from the side of the building as Quefer made haste carrying two more inside, when did he take them here and how. Righteous said something to him and went to where he had made an outside table, I looked away and continued walking around.

When I went back over there Righteous had tea ready and Quefer was putting some bottles of water inside the fridge. I took the cup of tea from him and the plate he hands me with two sandwiches, I checked my phone and replied back to Adajay's "good morning, have a great day" text.

Good morning, have a great day too.

I connect my phone to the tv and watched videos for most of the day, it was slow and annoying because I was using data and I felt miserable. The contractor left late that evening, he had his workmen filled up all the block pockets with concrete and I was glad he did his job well and the house was reaching somewhere. Quefer left with Righteous to buy groceries and I took up all the washed clothes off the clothes line,

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