Chapter Seventeen

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I don't return to my tent.

I know servants and soldiers are most likely packing my things. Preparing them to move back to the palace.

You'll kill us all.

The words echo in my mind over and over.

If you had any regard for your own life.

I laugh as I reach the outskirts of the camp walking myself into the field.

I take a few short breaths calming myself the best that I could. The wind swirls in the grass, the sky a clear blue.

The bleeding in my abdomen had subsided but the ache remained, not nearly as painful as the one in my chest.

Go Home Ren.

I shouldn't have come in the first place. My place was at the palace, training and running court. It was what I should be doing.

But something wasn't right, something felt off.

I couldn't place it.

I should remain here, I could fight even if it was from the ground with my bare hands.

I also knew it would take a small miracle for Helion to let me stay.

Disobeying him would bring more attention my way. I didn't need that either.

"Are you alright?"

The words snap me out of my thoughts.

I turn to find the shadowsinger standing behind me. Wings still bound in their bandages, face concerned.

The ache in my chest grew.

"Holy mother, what do you want?"

My voice is loud but controlled I don't want to attract the attention of the camp that was still in view.
Azriel regards me cooly saying nothing.

"Don't you have a female to lust after? Someone to not return your affections?"

Still nothing, as calm and collected as ever. I don't stop.

"Or is that it? Need someone new to follow around, am I just the right amount of not interested?"

Anger flares in his eyes at that.

"I have no interest in you."

I laugh, cold and bitterly throwing my head back.

"Good, go crawl back to your High Lord and Lady, let them coddle you. I don't want the job."

His teeth bare at that, a feline smile grows on my lips.

I take a step towards him, my wings spreading in a offensive stance.

"Still don't trust me huh?" I draw the dagger from my strap.

"How about you grow a pair and do something about it?"

I was being childish. Wholly uncontrolled and angry. I don't care, it was his fault.

All of this was his fault.

"Have a little respect." His voice is breathless like he's debating throwing a punch.


"You're just a little girl, acting out because she's not getting her way. How proud do you feel? Accomplished?"

I seethe at the words.
"You're just a lonely over grown bat so unloved you'll throw yourself at any pretty female who so much as glances your way."

He lunges at me, his facade finally breaking.

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