Chapter Seven

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Tavian stays at Auren's side through out the rest of the evening. If he noticed her shaking hands and clammy skin he doesn't let on.

Auren is smiling, her face the perfect mask of poised, obedient wife. Even as claws ripped into her stomach, and her head spun.

With Azriels sudden exit, the buzz in the air had subsided but not her fear, or disgust at herself.

But she couldn't allow an inch, not when she knew her scent shifted. When she could catch the edge of rain on bark floating around her if she turned to quickly.

Tavian watches her from the corner of his eye. She felt his attention, but she doesn't do anything other than smile and bow to the lords and lady's she introduced too.

Their faces blur, some look down at her in distant. Noting her to curvy mixed blood body.

Others offered kind, pitiful smiles. She hated those the most.

Tavian pushes her to the door only two hours after the Night Court Vanished.

Auren's body is numb, she said nothing as he handed her off to a guard to be escorted back to her room.

"I will be there soon, my love," Tavian placed a harsh kiss on her cheek. A dark promise in his eyes, as his hand on her arm squeezed tightly.

Auren didn't care.

He could use her body, he could beat her til the end of her days.

Eris took Azriel away. Relief and gratitude wash away the numbness. She would repay him for that kindness, somehow.

The halls echo with the music from the ballroom. The guard is stoic as he leads her on. Both of their feet echo against the marble floors.

Tavian would smell it. Smell the scent that now mingled in with hers, Rain on bark.

He hadn't met Azriel, he wouldn't know who it belonged too.

That one grace allows her to relax her shoulders. The truth she knew they would never beat out of her. Never whip or burn from her lips.

The guard stops outside her bedroom, opening the door for her.

Auren nods to him in thanks, her mind not fully with her as the door closed with a click behind her.

Maids and servants are quickly upon her, washing her skin and removing her dress.

Auren doesn't say anything to them, she simply sits on the chair in front of her vanity and allows them to work.

Aria, the youngest girl, places bread and cheese on a plate in front of her, with a glass of water.

Stomach twisting Auren reaches for the water. She couldn't eat, she knew it would be better if she did but that was a battle for another time.

It takes an hour for them to undo the monstrosity of hair and brush it straight down her back.

The older servant hums softly as she brushes and for a moment Auren closes her eyes, letting herself imagine it was Adie. That she was barely sixteen again.

Auren places the emptied glass of water on airmoire in front of her just as Tavian enters the room.

Yeka, placed a solid hand on her shoulder. The hand strong and sure. Surprised Auren glances up.

There is a knowing look in the older females eyes, she squeezed gently twice. As if offering strength.

Auren nodded with a slight tilt of her chin. A woman's understanding. All the servants knew what they dressed her for.

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