Chapter Three

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"Apologies Morrigan."

Eris said to the blonde female as he lowered his eyes.

For the first time since arriving I fully took him in.
His red hair and pale face and familiar glint in his eyes reminded me of a time that was so far gone all I could remember was the faint memories of something cold and dark.

His eyes flickered to me for a split second and sadness flashed so quick I averted my gaze.

Right into the eyes of Azriel.

Dark brown flecked with green and gold assessed my features, then seemed to assess my soul it's self.

I couldn't look away as he took me in fully, shadows whispered and curved around his ear.

I schooled my face into annoyance as I finally tore my eyes away from him.

Helion waved his hand at the stacks of papers presented by Tamlin and copied were made and distributed.

"Replicas." He stated simply.

"If all of this is true," Helion continued on, "then I'd suggest two things: first, destroying Hybern's cache of Faebane, we won't last long if they have found ways to create so many versatile weapons."

I shivered at the idea, looking at the High Lords assembled, how many of them would survive if what makes them, them was gone?

"There is no need,"
Thesan turns to all of us.

"A master tinkerer of mine has been waiting for the last several hours. I would like for her to join us now."

Nuan was in front of us in a flash, her small dark eyes looking over the High Lord quickly before she gave her speech.

"Nuan has been able to quickly create a powder for which we can ingest in drink, and food. However you wish." Thesan spoke to the room, "it grants immunity from the faebane."

I didn't need to hear much else after that. Turning to Helion he met my gaze.

He nodded knowing what I was trying to convey.

We would take the powder.

I knew Nuan through passing and she was more reliable with her sciences than anyone here.

I turned back to the conversation to again find Azriels gaze assessing me. Again.

Annoyance flooded my viens, this was getting tedious.

A quiet snarl lifted from my lips and he raised his eyebrows at that.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Helion said suddenly, breaking my staring contest with the shadow singer.

I turned to see he was addressing Beron.
"If her family is from Xian — which have I remind you fought for the loyalists— then whose Interests does she serve?"

I almost groaned into my hand at Berons blatant stupidity.

Helions eyes shone with annoyance before Thesan cut in.

"I'll have you remember Beron, that my mother hailed from Xian as did half of my court. Be careful what you say."

"I am a child of Prythian, I was born here, just as your sons were."

Nuan interjects holding her head highly.

"Watch your tone girl." Beron growled slightly.

"She doesn't have to watch anything," Feyre cuts in, "Not when you throw that kind of horseshit at her."

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