Chapter Fourteen

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I left Feyre with Rhys but didn't go far, Helion followed behind me silently. His feet sloshing in the mud, as we made our way to my tent.

My tent was warm against the setting Sun as I quickly washed the mud from my face, along with the Suriels black blood.

Helion filled me in on the battle as I washed my face and rebraided my knotted hair.

I had already explained what had happened with Feyre, I had left out the part where my powers had reacted.. slightly badly as well as the words spoken by the Suriel.

That information is not important now, but Helion nodded when I mentioned Feyre was now aware of my lightening, unfazed.

Helion had always respected my plea to keep hidden but sometimes I wonder if he wanted me out in the open, to pull myself out of the shadows.

"Cassian was injured." He finishes grimly, from that alone I can tell it wasn't good. I turned on my heel to face him.

"Just Cassian, who else?" The words slip out before I can even register them. My stomach twists as my thoughts turn to the

Helion's brow raises as he takes in what I said, his amber eyes calculating.

"Azriel is fine," he says slowly, amusement slipping into his voice.

"Not what I meant," I lamely catch myself, "Luca, our men, you said only a few casualties." I glare at him, placing my now cleaned daggers back into their sheiths on my lower back.

"Luca is alive yes, Raphael as well." He is back to business now but he still regards me curiously.

"Will I be able to check on them? Or would you like me back with the Night Court?"

I knew Nesta would be scrying soon, but my men were a priority as well.

"I have healers tending to the men."

I grab my boots and change out my already clumped and wreaked ones I wore to the middle.

Quickly dusting myself off as I stand.

"I will be with the Night Court then," I say pushing my braid away from my face. Helion nods,
"I will join you shortly."


I find Feyre stomping out of Mor's tent. Her blue eyes wild with anger.

I raise my brow but say nothing as I fall in line next to her. She seems to accept my presence as we walk.

A small silver eyed creature meets us as we turn a corner heading towards Feyre's tent.
A large bundle is within her hands.

I halt next to Feyre as those eyes land on me, silver but not quite. Fae but not quite.

Her short black hair rustles in the wind as she assess me. She then turns to the tent which Feyre emerged from.

She is only two inches shorter than I am but I find myself uneasy with her gaze, even as she turns to talk to Feyre.

"Adalin, this is Amren." Feyre introduces when they finish, again the little females eyes turn to me.

"Amren," I repeat bowing my head slightly too her. I could've guessed it, I had seen her before many years ago.

"Pleasure," Amren murmurs to me her eyes wandering over my small frame, black wings and gold eyes.

Feyre turn to the tent and I follow without looking back at Amren to see if she followed.

Cassian was indeed injured. I ducked between the flaps of the tent to find him leaning in a chair.

His eyes turn to me as he groans with the smallest movements.

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