Chapter Six

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Rhysand and Feyre are beside Azriel in a flash, Helion behind him.

The High Lord of Day now anchoring the shadowsinger in place. Stopping him from rushing to the dais.

Azriel fought him, his eyes frantic. He clawed at his brother as Cassian forced himself in front of him. A confused expression on his face as he glances back to the mixed blood.

Auren watches in silent horror. Fighting to keep her body neutral, slack. Beron and Tavian have no idea what is progressing in the back of the crowd, and Auren prays it stays that way.

Suddenly Eris appears at her side.

"Look forward." His voice is barely a whisper. Auren shakes her head, she can't. She can't look away from the mess she made.

"Close your eyes and take a breath. Beron will kill any of them as soon as he has a reason. Do not give him one." His voice is edged with a High Lords command.

Finally, Auren obeys. Ignoring her racing heart, she closes her eyes a breathes.

"Get him out of here." She pleads, her voice breaking. He can't be here, he can't. "Get him out."

With the wards, Eris could grab Azriel and winnow. It could go unnoticed.

With a grunt of agreement Auren knows he understands.

When Auren opens her eyes at last Eris is gone, and when she glances to the spot in the back of the ballroom. The Night Court and Helion are too.

She places the mask back on, forcing her hands behind her back as Tavian turns to her, no doubt to gesture where she should go next.

With the roaring in her ears drowning the noise of the crowd, and the knife in her heart, She follows him obediently.


Azriel launches himself at Eris, the minute the shadows settle in the house of wind.

Both males crash to the ground of the main den area of the house.

The snarl that rips from his throat is pure fae, his knuckles find purchase on Eris's nose.

Mor yelps, surprised from their sudden, violent arrival. Her book and cup of tea jostling in her lap from where she read on the sofa.

Azriel doesn't look like he heard her, pounding his fist into the male's face. Eris twists out of his grip, throwing the shadowsinger almost across the room.

"Take me BACK!" Azriel roared, crouched on the floor ready to attack again.

"Az." Rhysand steps between them, his voice a command.

"Do you want her dead?" Eris snaps, his hand cradling his nose, trying to stop the blood.

"Beron will kill her, then you for daring to challenge him on his territory. Are you stronger than a High Lord?"

Azriel leaps, a snarl on his mouth but he's stopped by Rhys.

"Enough." Rhysand commands grasping his brother by the arms and pushing him back.

Azriel pauses at the command but doesn't relent.

"You'll burn for this." Azriel's struggles against his High Lord. "I'll do it myself."

"What is going on?" Amren snaps, winding her way down the staircase.  Her silver eyes zero in on the Autumn Court male, then turning to the shadowsinger. Assessing the blood coming from Eris's slightly bend nose and Azriel's bloody fists.

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