Chapter Nine

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I didn't see Azriel the days following the battle. Thankfully.

We winnowed in 1,000 more men as my men rested and healed.

I distanced myself slightly more from Feyre as I kept an eye on her.

Azriel had blatantly told me that my actions were being noticed.
Even if it was just by him, I had no doubt he had shared his observations with Rhysand, at the very least.

Feyre was still kind to me when she noticed me and I had even showed her how to help tend to the wounded with the healing bower Thesan had gifted her.

She seemed grateful for the guidance.

The fifth day after the battle, Azriel appeared within Rhysand's and Feyre's tent.

He panted as he conveyed his news. Hybern was heading for the Winter Court.

I blink at the news, the wheels in my mind turning.

The spymaster couldn't figure out why and honestly neither could I.

The debating began between the High Lords as I watched and listened from my spot beside Feyre.

Our choices were few and each choice came with its own consequences.

I watched everyone's faces as Varian organized his plan.

Cassian seemed mildly impressed, Azriel as well.

Helion looked deep in thought and I watched him as he calculated and schemed.

Sometimes I wished I was a daemati just to see how the wheels turned in his mind.

How he came to the conclusions he did, but there is also the fact that Helion's mind is probably the dirtiest place in Prythian and cauldron save anyone who gets a glimpse of that.

Helion turns to me as Varian dismissed the generals and captains, gesturing me to stay.
"We March north and we stay."
Varian relayed his plan, and I had to admit it was a good one.

The exhaustion of Rhysand and Feyre's power was a factor that seemed to be easily dismissed but I said nothing.

Both of them knew their limits and if anyone could do it I had no doubt it'd be them.

Varian nodded to the others as him and his men left.

I turned to leave with Feyre to help where I could when Helion stopped us.

"Adalin, change of orders." I turn, making sure to avoid looking at Feyre at the mention of my orders.

"I need more information." Helion stroked his chin. I turned and faced my High Lord head on. A gleam in his eye.

"Information?" Azriel asks and Cassian crossed his arms.

"Yes," Helion turned to Feyre and Rhysand.

"You will drain your reserves with this plan, obviously," he paused "not enough to really be a concern but enough that if this battle turns against us we could be in trouble."

I nodded in agreement. Feyre and Rhysand considered but gestured for Helion to continue.

"The king has the cauldron, we don't even know where he is." I say, "but this is war tactics and planning. The commander of this unit most definitely has something up their sleeve."

I think for a second as they watch me.

"Varian's plan is the best one, I agree but I would prefer to know for sure before we actually commit to draining both of our strongest fighters." I turn to Rhysand and Feyre.

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