Chapter Eight

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Just days later I found myself in the middle of war.

After receiving a message that Hybern's army planned to attack the Summer Court, Helion had quickly sent me to bring as many of the Legere who could winnow to help Rhysand's Army.

Luca and I spend over two hours winnowing back and forth to bring over 1,000 men to the battle field. By the end of it sweat dripped off both of us.

Lucas blue eyes shone with fear and exhaustion as he readied himself for battle.

Luca was the second in command after me. He was tall and lanky but still enough muscle on him that he was a dangerous enemy to have.

I hope he survived, he was my best solider. I told him as much and he laughed gently.

"Thank you, see you on the other side My Lady." I grasped his forearm, giving him a nod which he returned before I winnowed to my station.

I now sat perched beside Mor and Feyre as we watched the carnage before us.

I had only arrived minutes ago, the men I brought heading to battle immediately, blood spraying and metal clashing as the accented onto the Hybern soldiers.

We barely spoke after my arrival but The Morrigan watched me curiously when I appeared next to them.

"You aren't fighting?" She gestured to my white fighting leathers, braided hair and long sword strapped between my wings.

"No," I settle beside Feyre. "I am here in case things turn sour."

The Morrigan nods. We all turned back to the fighting.

Cassian, Rhysand and Azriel are easily seen with their winged helmets.

I watch as each of them take down solider after solider with ease.

I watch as Azriel moves fluently through each solider his siphons blaring with bright blue power.

I watch his every move from my vantage point.

I had never seen battle like this. I was too young when the first war was fought.

When I became Helion's Advisor, the war had already waged for decades. Helion didn't want me involved in the carnage at only 25.

So I stayed within the court and helped him rule from the battle field while also training.

I'm memorized by it, the way the strategy and skill resonates from Azriels expert welding of his sword and shield. I'd seen my fair share of combat to be sure, just never like this.

Helion had said that Juron had given important intel to the Night Court. Intel that was crucial for this battle and I watched as that information rang true.

The hard and steady Illyrian lines would not budge as they every so slowly ripped apart each defence Hybern had in place.

Rhysand's power swelled slightly and hammered the right flank. Obliterating their barely reformed lines.

Azriel had taken the centre with Keir's Darkbringers following him into the slaughter.

I flinched as Azriel barely caught another soldiers attack.
Feyre turned to me at my flinch.

"Have you ever been in battle?"

I shook my head, loose hair from my braid falling into my face.

"I was 25 when I became Helion's advisor, just in the middle of the war. I was not raised to fight or taught more than basic defensive tactics. Helion wanted me to hold down The Day Court while he fought in the war."

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