Chapter One

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Dark, and cold.

Auren had forgotten how utterly antagonizingly dark it was in this room.

No windows, no slit in the wall to give her any sign of the time of day.

If she held her hand mere inches from her face she knew it would disappear.

Even her meals were random, some coming two hours after the one before, or six. At least that's what she guessed.

Auren didn't particularly care, she realized, as she leaned back on the mattress provided for her.

No bed frame, nothing but the cold material underneath her cheek, and a thin fleece blanket on top of her.

She still wore the leggings and oversized shirt from the day of solstice.

Since she threw them on after her and Azriel... Auren squeezed her eyes shut, trying to endure the slice to her heart at the thought of it.

The chains on her feet clinked as she moved to nestle further into the mattress. She couldn't see them but she could feel the way it drained her, drained her magic from her very blood.

Like a leech.

That rumble of lightening no where to be heard inside of her. Even the wings on her back disappeared, much to Tavian's chagrin.

He no doubted had plans for them since she had never allowed them near him before.

Even with the relief that part of her could not be touched, her soul still ached at the loss, the inability to feel the counter weight.

To fly.

It didn't matter now, it was over. It was all borrowed time anyway. Some part of her knew that even before she learned Tavian was alive.

It didn't stop her from wondering what Azriel thought of her now.

What Rhy had told him.

Tavian delighted in it all, in the shock and confusion that crossed Rhy's face.

He raved and roared to them, and Auren could do nothing but watch as her worst fear stood before her.


Tavian hadn't come to her since discarding her here.

Whenever that was, Auren didn't know. It could've been a day or a week. Or more.

She supposed that was a small mercy. Back in the Autumn Court she belonged wholly to him, her body, her soul. The servants would look the other way.

He planned on breaking her like he did before. The darkness could cut anyone deep, she wondered if even Rhysand could bear it.

Tavian hadn't realized that the darkness hadn't broken her last time.

The dark room, in the bottom of his mansion was an old acquaintance.

The abyss it offered was like a gentle kiss. She did not have to exist here, did not have to be anyone. Not Auren, Not Adalin. No one.

Still her mind wandered to the shadowsinger. Her hand moving out to grasp the dark in front of her like he was in it.

She didn't let herself hope that he was.

Auren Fenik was a traitor to the Night Court. She infiltrated their ranks, even Helion's if Tavian was to be believed.

An outsider on the inside to learn what secrets the night whispered.

Auren didn't care.

There was nothing to be done. Nothing she could do. At least she knew her friends were safe.

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