Silence stretched between the two of you as you sat there, both devastated.

"This is going too far." Ryuu spoke up first.

"He hasn't decided yet." you said, but even you could tell how desperate you sounded, how you wanted it to be true.

"And if he will?"

You clenched your fists, trying to feel them.

"Then we will make a decision as well." you said, your anger bringing tears to your eyes.

Ryuu hummed next to you and you leaned into him, letting his arm fall around your shoulder in a sort of side hug. You should've known that this feeling of joy and security that you let yourself fall into; friends, class trips and relationships weren't going to last long.

"It sucks." Ryuu said and you nodded, and the two of you stayed there on the couch for the remainder of the day, trying to figure out what to do.

It's safe to say you didn't sleep much that night, and because of that when you finally made it to the school with your bag, shadows laid under your eyes and you had to stifle a yawn as you said good morning to everyone.

"Are you okay?" Midoriya asked, his hand touching the back of your forearm softly.

Even if basically everyone knew about the two of you, it didn't seem right to make your relationship too obvious.

He furrowed his brows when he felt just how cold your skin was.

"You're not sick aren't you?" he moved to check your forehead but you stepped away.

"I'm okay, I just couldn't really sleep." you averted his eyes, and he stopped the questions because he thought you were still having nightmares about Shigaraki.

Ryuu didn't look much better next to Kirishima and Sero, who were trying to tell him something about a game they found online, that they should play together next. Ryuu was nodding along, a ghost of a smile on his face, but his eyes were empty of all emotions or understanding.

The only moment of joy for you that morning was Uraraka, who sounded so excited for summer camp, she jumped up and down in front of Iida for a while. Then suddenly, she ran back a good few meters, her face red as a tomato.

Apparently, Aoyama asked about her liking Iida during their exams, and ever since then she became so easily flustered around him it was hilarious.

Iida ordered everyone to get on the bus and the class made their way in louder than it was necessary. And despite all that noise, the chatter and the obnoxiously loud music that was playing from Denki's phone, you and Ryuu fell asleep on the backseat almost immediately, your head on his shoulder and his on top.

When you finally stopped, Sero shook you awake, and you got up stretching; your neck and shoulders sore from the weird sleeping position.

"Finally a break!" Denki jumped off the bus and Mineat ran ahead.

"I need to pee!"

You stepped off as well, your eyes widening at the scene. Where you stopped wasn't really a resting place, it was more like a little patch of dirt along the road for emergency stops, but it gave way to the beautiful scenery; the green forest that stretched for miles and miles. You could see the mountains in the far off horizon.

"Where's class B?" Jirou looked around, your class slowly starting to find the situation weird.

"We stopped for a reason." Aizawa stated, and the car that was parked next to you opened.

"Hey, Eraser." two women joined you, their hero costumes one of the most colorful ones you have ever seen.

Their energy was too high for you this early in the morning, especially after a long bus ride, you felt more like the kid standing next to them. He seemed really young, and really bored, his facial features sort of reminding you of Bakugo.

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