Chapter 11 - Dominate Me

Start from the beginning

It's like a pleasure I've never felt before. It makes the pain I received before completely, and utterly worth it.

At least that's what I thought.

As soon as I feel myself about to release Enzo pulls his fingers out of me.

"Enzo." I whimper.

Enzo pulls my dress back down, and pulls me back up, forcing me to stand straight. He sits down at his desk, and I sit in the chair in front of it. What just happened?

"Enzo what was that?" I ask.

"That was your punishment." He says simply.

I'm silent for a moment. He's serious. He's just going to sit there like he didn't just finger fuck me. I scoff, and my earlier anger rises.

"What's happening in your mafia? Why did you have Vincent following me?" I ask, because I'm tired of being out of the loop.

"Someones after me, and they're really dangerous. I had Vincent keep an eye on you to make sure you were safe."

"Who's after you?"

"Don't worry about it. I have it all under control." He says.

I trust him enough to drop the subject. At least for the moment, because I know he's set on not telling me anything else. Now for the conversation I think we've both been avoiding.

"What's happening Enzo?"

"I told you I have-"

"Not with your mafia. With us." I say, and he sighs.

"I don't know Gi."

"And I do?!"

"Do not raise your voice at me." He says strictly.

"I'm just confused." I say shrinking back down into the seat.

"Well what do you want from me?" He asks.

"What makes you think I want something from you?" I ask, because maybe I want something from Maxon. I mean I don't, but that's not the point.

"You're always provoking me Gi. Always. You do it purposefully to get a reaction out of me, so I'm going to ask you one more time."

Enzo stands up. He walks over to me stopping in front of me, and I look up at him.

"What do you want from me?" He asks, grabbing my chin to lift my face higher until our eyes meet.

Enzo's right. Ever since he grabbed my throat that night, I've wanted something from him. I've been provoking him to push a reaction out of him. I've been yearning for the kind of feeling he gives me. The same one he just gave me.

"I want you to dominate me." I say, and his eyes are burning a whole straight through mine. Enzo smiles.

"Good girl."

He holds his hand out to me, and I take it. Leading me to the hallway. We stop in front of the room, and I feel myself start to get nervous as he unlocks the door.

We step inside the room, and it's the same as last time. I see a lot of toys if you can call them that.

I feel Enzo step behind me. He wraps his arms around me, and my breath hitches when he starts to place kisses on my neck.

Enzo grabs a handful of my curls, and he yanks my head back. I wince from the pain, but Enzo doesn't care enough to stop. Instead he tugs harder until I hiss, and he just chuckles.

"We're going to go over a couple of rules." He whispers into my ear.

"Yes sir." I just say.

"Good you're already getting used to this. Now the first rule is punishment. If you provoke me, or disrespect me in any way, I will punish you. Even with the belt if I deem necessary. Understood?"

"Yes sir."

"Second rule. You're not allowed to touch, nor even think about touching anyone that isn't me. Third rule if I say something then you listen. Do not disobey me. Inteso?"

"Si signore." I say.

"Now the most important rule. Your safe word is red. I will not stop unless you say the word. If you tell me to stop it will only make me want to keep going."

This man really does think he's Christian Grey. If I weren't terrified of what he'd do to me I would laugh.

He lets go of my hair, and walks in front of me. Enzo stands there, unmoving, and I'm not sure what to do. Does he want me to make the first move? Beg?

I move closer to him, and he watches me intensely as I take the straps of my dress pushing them off my body.

The dress falls to the ground, leaving me completely naked since it didn't need a bra, and Enzo already took my underwear off.

Enzo grunts as he looks me up, and down. He grabs my hair again, and begins to kiss my neck. I moan at the sensation.

He sucks on my skin when he grabs a handful of my ass. His hands slide up, and he starts to play with my nipples, continuing to kiss my neck.

"Enzo take me to your room." I whisper to him.

I know that this is where he fucks all of his other submissives, and I don't want that. I don't want to be like the rest of them. I'm not like the rest of them.

"Was that a demand?" He whispers.

"Yes." I say knowing exactly what happens next.

"I want you on my bed face down ass up." He says.

I immediately turn around heading to his room trying to hide the gigantic smile on my face.

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