Louis: “Hey did you hear from Harry?” Louis asked.

Allie: “Yeah he claimed he was with you and the guys at first. I then called him out on the lie and he said he was shopping.” I said sadly.

Louis: “You don’t believe he is out shopping do you?” Louis asked.

Allie: “No I don’t. You don’t think he is cheating on me do you?” I asked.

Louis: “GOD NO! He loves you way to much for that.” Louis said.

Allie: “Okay, but do you know why he has been moody lately? He snaps at me all the time.” I asked

Louis: “Might just be stressed about leaving you and Darcy here in London alone for a week.” He said.

Allie: “I hope so. I don’t want to lose him.” I said.

Louis: “I will talk to him, but for now just ignore him when he is all moody.” Louis chuckled.

Allie: “I will try. Well I got to go feed Darcy so I will talk to you later.” I said.

Louis: “Alrighty give my niece a kiss for me, and I will talk to you later love.” Louis said.

Allie: “I will bye.” I said then hung up.


“You hungry baby girl?” I asked Darcy. She just smiled a toothless grin.

“I take that as a yes. Let’s go get you a bottle ya?” I giggled.

Harry’s POV

Crap! Allie know I lied to her, and that I haven’t been with the lads at all today. My whole plan for the day was to do some shopping then go to the meeting with the lads. I had lost track of time and then my phone died so I left it in the car to charge. By the time I finished shopping for the thing I needed I had many missed calls and texts. Right as I was about to call Louis back Allie called me, so I had to answer it. I could hear the hurt and worry in her voice during our conversation. I didn’t help when I snipped at her for just asking where I was. I just didn’t want to tell her I was out shopping for her. I was planning this BIG romantic dinner for the two of us, so I needed to buy a bunch of roses and all that stuff. I didn’t want to leave her and Darcy for a week, but I had to. So I wanted tonight to be special to make it up to her (for leaving).

I also felt bad that I have been snapping at her a lot for the past week. I have been so stressed about leaving and then making sure this dinner is perfect. I doubt she will even want to have dinner with me tonight after our last conversation. I really could be an idiot some times, so I needed to really make it up to her tonight. UGH! I guess I should call Louis and explain why I show up today…….

Allie’s POV

I just put Darcy down for the night! She was so fussy tonight, so it took forever to get her to go to sleep. I was so tired and just wanted to go to bed, but it wasn’t even 8 at night yet. I decide to head back downstairs and finish doing the laundry.

When I got downstairs I heard noise coming from the kitchen so I went to see what it was. As I approached the kitchen I saw Harry literally running around the kitchen lighting up candles and moving vases of roses around.

“What are you doing?” I asked. Harry jumped at the sound of my voice.

“Geez you scared me. I am just about to start making you dinner or well us dinner.” He said. I just nodded and sat down at the counter avoiding eye contact with him. I was still annoyed with him.

“Allie I’m not cheating on you.” He said breaking the silence. I was surprised to hear him say that.

“Louis and I talked earlier.” He smiled.

“Oh.” I nodded.

“I was out shopping for tonight’s dinner, but I didn’t want you to know that’s why I lied. I lost track of time and forgot about the meeting with the lads. I swear to god I would never cheat on you. I’m also sorry for snipping at you for the last week. I’m just so stressed about leaving you and Darcy alone for the first time. It might just be a week, but it’s a week to long.” Harry said.

“It’s fine I understand. Just next time talk to me don’t snip at me. It isn’t fair to me and Darcy.” I shrugged.

“I know and I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad at me anymore.” Harry pleaded.

“I was never mad at you just annoyed. There is a big difference.” I smiled. Harry walked over to me and pressed his lips firmly to mine.

“Good now I really just can’t wait any longer. SO I need to do it now.” Harry said. He looked nervous and very flushed.

“Okay go for it.” I smiled. Harry grabbed my hand so I was now standing up. I looked at him weird, but then he went down on one knee. OMG he isn’t about to do what I think he is right. Tears started to form in my eyes and I started to shake.

“Allie I love you so much. You are my world and I don’t want to imagine life without you. You gave me a beautiful daughter and I don’t know how to thank you for that. I might have been a dick at times, but I never stopped loving you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so will you marry me?” He asked. I couldn’t form words so I just nodded my head and smiled.

“Is that a yes?” He asked getting the ring out of his pocket.

“YES YES YES!” I shouted. Harry stood up and put the most gorgeous ring on my finger then pulled me into a passionate kiss.

“I love you so freaking much you have no idea.” He smiled.

“I love you too.” I smiled and cried at the same time. Harry pulled me into a hug and we just stood there smiling and crying happy tears. After we stood in each other’s arms for a bit my stomach started to growl. I was hungry, since I haven’t eaten in a few hours.

“I should probably start dinner ya?” He laughed.

“Yes please.” I smiled shyly. I looked down at my engagement ring and my heart melted. I had the perfect life, perfect daughter, family, friends, and now a perfect fiancé. WOW I can’t believe I have a fiancé.


HALLIE IS ENGAGED!!!!! Ahhhhh……………………

The engagement ring picture will be in the next chapter, I picture of Darcy is on the sidebar on this chapter though J

Okay so my mind is going blank right now for questions to ask you all so I guess I will just say thank you ALL for reading.

I’m also sorry for this being posted so late. I have been busy last couple days. Hopefully this weekend I will be able to write a bunch of chapters so I can post a couple times a day again.


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It All Started With A Tattoo Book 2 (2'nd book of Harry Styles FanFic Series)Where stories live. Discover now