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It's been 3 months and me and javon were still together. I was scared long distance wouldn't work but thank god it has.

We facetime all the time and text noun stop. After 2 months of complaining and begging my mom to go back to see javon see agreed.

But only for a two weeks. ( pretend its summer already, so you don't have to worry about school <3 )

I hadn't told javon about it YET but I decided to surprise him by facetiming him. "Sweetie you all packed? We leave tomorrow."

I heard my mom say as we were eating dinner at the kitchen table. "I know im almost done packing." I said with a small smile and she just nodded.

"Thank you again mom for bringing me there." I smiled as I finshed my food. "Of course, it'll be nice to travel after stuff with your father."

My mom sighed sadly. My dad left and they got a divorce, it's been really hard in her. I've tried to help plenty if times but it seems like anything I do never works.

"I'm sorry.." I said putting my dish in the dishwasher. "Don't be, im just lucky I still got you." She said and i hugged her. We ended the conversation and I walked to my room.

I grabbed my phone and typed in javons number, facetiming him. "Hey, ma." He said and i smiled as I heard his voice. "Hey, love."

"Why so smilely?" He asked as he set up his phone. "Well, I'm glad you asked.. I'm coming to see you in tomorrow! Surpriseee." I said doing a jazz hand kinda thing and he laughed at it.

"Wait really!" He said in excitement. "Of course." I smiled big. "I can't believe I get to hold you, kiss you and just be with you again." My cheeks grow a bright red color.

"I can't wait." I said and we spent the rest of the night talking and just enjoying each other's company but on a phone. I can't believe I get to see him tomorrow..

The next day me and my mom woke up early and got our stuff packed into the car. We drove there and it was about a 3 to 4 hour drive so I was bored. Very. But javon kept me happy.

I hadn't told him I was on the way yet because I wanted to surprise him, but my mom told Jessica and dj already. We got to the hotel and then unpacked. After a couple minutes of begging to go to his house we got in the car.

We got there and me and my mom got out there car. I knocked on the front door, with my mom as Jessica opened the door.

"Omg! Y/n and y/m/n!" ( your moms name. ), "hi Mrs walton!" We hugged and then my mom and her hugged. "The kids are upstairs." She said and I nodded, smiling.

I ran upstairs and knocked on javons door. "Come innn." He said in a bit of annoyance. I walked in and his face lit up. "Y/n!! You're here you're finally here!" He said as he ran over and hugged me.

"I finally am." He picked me up and spun me around, still hugging me tightly. I giggled and he put me down after a long minute of hugging.

"I missed you so damn much y/n." He mumbled as we continued to hug. Daelo walked out of his room and saw me. "I thought I heard your name!"

I turned around, looking at daelo and giggled lightly. "Hey dae!" I said and jayla and jaden them come out of there room. "Y/nnn!!" Jayla said, smiling and we hugged.

"Javon wouldn't shut up about you coming today." I heard jaden say with a small chuckle. "Wouldn't keep his mouth shut." Jayla teased. "Mhmm." Daelo added.

I giggled and me and jayla pulled away from the hug. "Shut up." I heard javon say and I smiled as I walked over back to him. "Can we play roblox later?" Daelo asked.

"Of course." I said smiling. "And me and kylee have lots of drama to tell." I giggled and nodded. "I'll be in your definitely in the next hour or so." I smiled.

"Nothin much with me." Jaden shrugged and I smiled. "I'm sure there is, so you can tell me later." I smiled, feeling javons arms rap around me from behind.

"I'm stealing her for now." He smiled we walked into his bedroom. "God I missed you." He said, admiring me as he looked at me with his hands on my cheeks.

"I missed you most." I smiled and we kissed for a couple seconds. God I missed his lips. We pulled away and just enjoyed each other's company for a couple hours.

I played with daelo and talked with jayla, kylee and jaden so I got to hang out with everyone one today. My mom let me sleep over so I finally was able to sleep in his arms again.

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