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   I woke up to an empty house. The sticky note on the bathroom mirror informed me about my parents' whereabouts. They were apparently out on a date. It had been a week since they arrived, and yet I still couldn't find the courage to ask them about the very thing I was curious about. I was scared, in a sense, because that one question—no matter how trivial it sounded like—could cause everything to tear apart at the seams and inevitably fall through.

Seeing there was nothing else to do, I packed my laptop and camera, thinking I should stay in Echo for the time being. I took a quick bath and changed into a pink collared shirt and a pair of pastel blue skinny jeans. The days were getting warmer, and it wouldn't be long before the cicadas would come chirping again. The arrival of the next season would mark the first year of Myungsoo and I meeting in the park.

My first break-up anniversary with Jongin.

If such a thing even existed.

I took a black baseball cap with me before leaving, just in case I would—on a whim—decide to walk outside. The sky was a sharp hue of blue at that time. It was bright to the point that I had to squint my eyes whenever I looked up. I didn't rush despite the heat. Our neighborhood was quite small, and the most decent hangout place was the café Myungsoo's family runs. There were other cafés, sure, but it felt homey at Echo. It was strange, how I love everything which surrounds the person I would like to detest the most.

My sweat began to dissipate the moment I entered the café. The air conditioner was turned on, making the scent of the coffee crisper. Much to my surprise, a familiar face approached me. He was wearing the café's uniform—a white dress shirt, paired with a black waist apron.

Sunggyu's hair was dyed in this brilliant shade of auburn which reminded me of autumn leaves. With his smiling lips and eyes, he looked more like a mischievous fox.

"I've been waiting for you!" he cried. "So, how do I look?"

"Class," I nodded at him approvingly. "When did you start working here?"

"Three days ago, just."

Someone emerged from the door behind the counter. It was Sungyeol, who soon gave a dismissive shrug after seeing that it was only me Sunggyu was talking to.

"How'd you know each other?" he asked.

I explained how I saw him busking with Sungjong sometime ago, and Sungyeol only returned my words with a smirk, followed by this remark: "I'm not surprised."

Sunggyu rushed over to a vacant table while carrying a tray to clear the mugs before heading to the kitchen. Sungyeol was the one who took over, and I ordered an iced caramel macchiato, because it was all I could think of.

The café wasn't as crowded, and from the songs playing in the background, I could only guess that it was Sunggyu's device plugged into the aux chord. The melodies sounded psychedelic—melancholic, haunting. Even the lyrics lingered in thin air, refusing to go away because of their depth. The songs contradicted the sunny view outside.

I stayed in my corner and Sungyeol personally walked over to give me my beverage. I said a quick thanks, and he nodded at me.

"Myungsoo hasn't been around lately."

"Oh," I said.

"Do you have any idea, as to where he is?"

I shook my head. "To be honest, I was thinking you should know that the best."

"He hasn't been answering my calls."

I froze. "Is that so?"

"Has he been calling you?"

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