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   The classroom where our seminar took place was small. If twenty people stayed in there, we'd be packed like sardines. Initially, there were eight of us. At times, some who missed their seminars would join our class. Myungsoo was one of them, but somehow, he found a way to become a permanent attendee.

Everyone was settled by the time I arrived, and the only seat available was the one in front of Myungsoo. I bit my lower lip, and gingerly took the space.

"Who was he?" he whispered.

"You don't have to know," I answered.

"Does Jongin know you're meeting up with that guy?"

"What kind of question is that?" I shot back, not even bothering to hide my irritation. Why would Myungsoo—of all people—bring up his name in our conversation?

"Then, who was he?" he pushed.

I scoffed. "Kim Myungsoo, what right do you have to know?"

Upon hearing my comeback, his eyes carried this certain flicker—whether he was surprised or hurt, I couldn't really place my finger on it.

"You have a point," was all he said, before leaning back to his seat. "We aren't in that kind of relationship, after all."

He used this certain tone of voice, which made it seem like I was the one at fault. I hated that.


"How's the collaboration going?" Jongin asked. It was Friday, and we agreed to spend our free time in a café near the university. It had a different ambience compared to Echo, with its minimalist interior and sharp-edged tables. It felt more like an office than a cozy café, but they served good coffee, nevertheless.

"Woobin and I met up last Tuesday. I told you before that he grew quite friendly with the staff, right?"

He took a sip from his ceramic, white mug, and nodded.

"He was actually looking for you," I said. "Although he assumed you were Myungsoo."

Jongin smiled. "I'm not surprised. He has that gaze, after all."



"It's fascinating," I picked up my cup, and traced the handle with my index finger. "Woobin told me the way I stared at Myungsoo was different."

"He's quite the observer, then," Jongin replied.

"Aren't you going to contradict that?"

He shook his head. "It's correct, after all. You do look at Myungsoo differently."

"How so?"

"You're very aware of him," Jongin pointed out, before laughing. "Are you really going to make your ex point these things out to you?"

I smiled. "I'm just...curious about it. I find it interesting, that guys notice."

"We notice a lot of things," Jongin said. "We just don't say it out loud. So, what's the news with Myungsoo?"

I shrugged. "We really haven't been talking. I even blocked him and everything."

"I see."

"He confuses me."

"That's what assholes do," he pointed out, and his remark made me scoff.

"Hey, Jongin."

"What is it?"

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